be honest are you worried about corona
Look at the deaths.... Dropping. We need common sense. -
Great post! Best perspective I've read yet, knowing what we now know about Covid. Hats off to you...
@markn6262 Thanks... how about a thumbs up...
and even better how about everyone copying and forwarding asking their family/friends to think about it... and call their elected representatives.
I watched the way Anderson Cooper covered the Rudy Giuliani press conference--it wasn't journalism. All he did was insult Giuliani and show selectively chosen still images that made Giuliani look foolish.
I'm not going to comment on the election, or who won/should have won, is best for the country or anything like that... just on the democratic process.
The coverage was so unbalanced that I decided to watch it on YouTube (normally I could care less). If even half of the alligations that Giuliani made are true, there are a lot of people who should be in jail. If Giuliani is lying, then he belongs in jail.
Maybe it wouldn't change the outcome, but what I heard was worthy of a Russia, China or some other place where elections are purely cerimonial.
If they were a news organization, CNN, would be sending someone out to cover each of the court cases and objectively reporting on the details.
Fair elections should have no problem with representatives from each of the candidates inspecting everything to insure compliance. If the law says that observers are allowed to be present, and they are excluded, then either the votes in question should be excluded or that area should be made to revote.
If a county is reporting 150-200% voter turnout it's a clear indiacation that something is going on. This is one of the aligations, and if there is evidence then every American has cause for concern.
Truth will survive any amount of questioning, but lies and deception will fall apart if you did deep enough.
@guardian I struggle to speak English, my native language is Portuguese, I'm from Brazil.
You are saying everything I would like to say, but I don't find the words to do it.Thanks for representing me in your last messages.
@mcury Thanks... Please translate into Portuguese and get it circulating in your country (if you can do so without getting arested).
If this was about what it was about, then I think things would be different, but it's more about money, power and control than anyone's health.
There are peer reviewed clinical papers showing the appropriately dosed Vitamin D kept 100% of cases caught at an appropriately early stage from needing ICU care. It is well proven that Vitamin D and Zinc levels are cruical to the body's ability to fight viral infections. Vitamin C can also be extremely helpful. It's all in the literature, but big pharma ain't going let that see the light of day. Why prevent for pennies/day when you can sell thousands of dollars worth of drugs. Drugs are great when they are needed, but so much better to not need them in the first place. If the governement gave a crap about it's people they would be putting out appropriate communication regarding supplementation. It would likely be much more effective than these stupid masks. If masks were put on/taken off, and kept sterile, they may have some limited benefits, but the way I observe most people handling them is crazy. The masks are likely infecting a large percentage of users though contamination. I have read that masks have been responsible for strep outbreaks in a couple of schools.
In some inner city schools, a kid is more likely to get shot going to/from school than die of COVID.
Research, tell your friends, call your elected officials...
or if you prefer maybe take Madarin lessons so you can cotow to your new leaders after America goes bankrupt and China takes over!
@guardian said in be honest are you worried about corona:
em is crazy. The masks are likely infecting a large percentage of users though contamination. I have read that masks have been responsible for strep outbreaks in a couple
Here in Brazil, most of us are aware of this, including our president.
However, we have a very strong political establishment, the deep state, which is taking the decisions and not letting other opinions to have voice.
Also, that sleep giants is also here, destroying the free speech along with the big techs, and the TV.
We have people here, journalists that have been arrested just like in China, and the TV call this journalist as a "blogger" so they can minimize what is happening.
The free world is under attack, I'm 35 years old, and I'm really worried about my family's future.
They want control... God help us.. -
@mcury said in be honest are you worried about corona:
we have a very strong political establishment, the deep state, which is taking the decisions and not letting other opinions to have voice.
I understand you, I know exactly how you feel when you talk about this.
I’m not in a better position either and I’m older than you..... - that you wrote how you are.
We have to complain, don't we?!The problem is imminent and we are not the ones who can do anything.
I come from a similar problematic country, Hungary (beginning the dictatorship of...), hmmm .. no comment, ...I now live in Portugal, a little better with my family.Who knows where shoud be better? It all depends on the mentality of the people.
COVID can find you anywhere and that’s scary...
The world is becoming utopian as the way I look out the window everywhere I can see just masks.Welcome to the real world.
Eu entendo-te, sei exatamente como sentes quando falas sobre isso.
Também não estou numa posição melhor, sou mais velho que tu ..... - relativamente ao que tu escreves.
Temos que reclamar, não é ?!O problema é iminente e não somos nós que podemos fazer algo.
Venho de um país problemático semelhante, a Hungria (começando a ditadura de...), hmmm .. sem comentários, ... agora vivo em Portugal, um pouco melhor, com a minha família.Quem sabe onde deveria ser melhor? Tudo depende da mentalidade das pessoas.
O COVID pode encontrar-te em qualquer lugar e isso é assustador ...
O mundo está a tornar-se utópico à medida que olho pela janela. Todo o lado vejo apenas máscaras.Bem-vindo ao mundo real.
It's scary... People are alone in their cars, driving, using masks...
I went to a barbecue, people were touching arms to say hello..The felling is, run to the hills..
Please, stop the bus because I went to leave...e:
É assustador... Pessoas sozinhas em seus carros, dirigindo usando máscaras.
Eu fui a um churrasco, e as pessoas tocando braços para dizer olá.O sentimento é, corram para as colinas...
Por favor, parem o ônibus pois eu quero descer... -
@mcury said in be honest are you worried about corona:
> It's scary...Para mim, um aperto de mão significa que concordamos em algo e posso confiar em ti. (és simpático e tal ...)
Isso não é mais nada, toque de cotovelo, este será o nosso mundo ...
Triste.Aqui no sul, em Portugal, aprendi que a mentalidade do sul significa mais contacto físico, ... assim, esta mentalidade pode ser considerada como passado, ou não (?) Espero que não ...
De qualquer forma, temos que confiar uns nos outros, porque o COVID não pode ser derrotado de outra forma ...
os "nossos demônios" representam uma luta separada para cada país,
como a anti-democracia, o iliberalismo, etc.é por isso que escrevo em duas línguas, para que outras pessoas possam ver do que estamos a falar
talvez possa ser instrutivoand
For me, a handshake means we have agreed on something and I can trust you. (you are sympathetic and such...)
That's nothing else, elbow touch, this will be our world...
Sad.Here in the south, in Portugal, I learned that the southern mentality means more physical contact,... thus this mentality can be regarded as the past, or not(?) I hope so not...
Either way, we have to trust each other, because COVID can't be defeated otherwise ...
the "our devils" represent a separate struggle for each country,
such as anti-democracy, illiberalism, etc.that is the reason why I write in two languages, so that other folks may see what we are talking about
maybe can be instructive -
Oh well, like the guy who jumped off the Empire State Building told the people on the 80th floor, "So far, so good...".
@provels said in be honest are you worried about corona:
Trump wants everyone back to work.
10,000 new cases today.
Go figure.
"Must save stock market"Ah, memories... Seems quaint today.
Now 3,300 US deaths per day. -
@provels Where are these numbers from?
Democratic states? -
@mcury said in be honest are you worried about corona:
Democratic states?
Are you saying you don't like it when states report accurately? The numbers are the numbers. Politicizing it is just stupid. This virus doesn't care who you voted for or why. Dead is dead.
@jwj Well, tell me one place in the entire world, that the lockdown worked?
Worse the lockdown, more deaths per million.. this seems to be the rule of this pandemic..Tell me only one place, and I may change my speech.
@mcury said in be honest are you worried about corona:
New Zealand.
Worse the lockdown, more deaths per million.
My turn, prove it. Actually prove it. Show that there are no other contributing factors and that a lockdown caused more deaths from covid.
@jwj said in be honest are you worried about corona:
New Zealand.
Level 3 lockdown in New Neazland? The lockdown happened there.
Again, show me one place in the entire world, that the lockdown worked.
Worse the lockdown, more deaths per million. -
@mcury Prove it. Go on, prove it.
Prove it
I personally believe it should be up to those suppressing the liberties of the people to prove they work.
@derelict said in be honest are you worried about corona:
Prove it
I personally believe it should be up to those suppressing the liberties of the people to prove they work.
What liberties. You get sick, you get in my space without taking any precautions you get me sick. Who's liberties, exactly have been violated?
So wrapped up in the talk of liberty that you have completely abandoned any idea of duty and responsibility. Pathetic.
@jwj said in be honest are you worried about corona:
My turn, prove it. Actually prove it. Show that there are no other contributing factors and that a lockdown caused more deaths from covid.
No, it's your turn.
You can choose any place in the entire world.Check a city for example, called Porto Feliz in Sao Paulo, you will see the death rate, they didn't do any lockdown.. The mayor there worked treating people in early symptons.
Check Sao Paulo death rate, in the state, where the lockdown was cruel, where people were arrested in the beach, you will see the difference.
This scenario is replicating through the entire world.
This lockdown has a reason, and this reason is not for saving lifes.