@gertjan That is exactly where the issue is. Once upon a time, AT&T would provide the end use with a simple single port modem that would connect to your router or AP. Now I get these monster routers with wifi, VOIP, and possibly a TV connection. With the Arris BGW210-700, after the latest update, I could not make use of the IP-Passthru (which used to be called DMZ+, and many other names). I ended up getting an older model that the IP-Passthru works, but at the cost of not getting access to the web management interface unless I was physically connected via ethernet.
As for getting the PPPoE credentials, that is almost a non-starter. Again, back in the good old days, you could actually reset your PPPoE password using AT&T portal, but now, if you are willing to pay a one time fee of $49.00 or a monthly $15.00 a month tech support fee, you are S.O.L if you ask for support. I thought that I would get another switch in the setup and create a VLAN, but that didn't work to well for me. I guess I could use one of my RPi, plug that into the AT&T crap box, and then connect wirelessly to the RPi, but really a PITA!