Locked out in the sense that the firewall issues no dhcp IP addresses with that no GUI access. I can access a putty session and it appears fine nothing shows any faults. I just get the white screen that has nothing on the browser not even the log in window. The apple said it can't get an IP has the whole ! Mark thing. My smartphone also and windows 10-11 it appears to not issue IP addresses.

The only change I have done from last attempt was to remove all static mappings any only have the NAS and the MFP mapped before all my devices has static arp mappings ( ie the check marks in DHCP server area)


I left the Mac address so I get the same IP could that be it? I should try to set them all back to static again. Originally the update worked it was just slower and showed a dual console message never seen before.

1700616924030-screenshot_20231121-173033.png after update shows dual 23.09 this is where logs stop with this like a bad driver loaded

2100 has no dual Display hardware options 23.05 never had the log above on this version