Watchguard XTM 515
Has anyone ever had issues getting the keyboard to work? It doesnt recognize any inputs when installing pfsense so I cant do anything at this point. I tried usb and ps2,. I must be missing something simple here. Any help at all would be great . Thanks
Ive never been able to get a keyboard to work on the USB ports either. My guess is it is not supported.
Do you have a console cable for it?
You shouldn't need to use a directly attached keyboard but if you did I would imagine it could only work with a VGA console.
If you have no input on the serial console that can be a bad flow control setting in the terminal emulator or a bad cable.
I use keyboards on the pc to which its attached to. I use console cable to usb on the pc. I havent tried direct keyboard to usb on the xtm. I tought that didnt funtion?
. I also tried 2 settings for speed in putty and nothing works. I am really confused. All i need is to hit down and enter to get it installed on the hard drive. Is there another solution or something im missing?
Have you confirmed that serial console setup with anything else? Witht the original WG OS for example?
It sounds like either a bad cable (or damaged connector maybe?) or the wrong flow control setting.
Has anyone ever had issues getting the keyboard to work? It doesnt recognize any inputs when installing pfsense so I cant do anything at this point. I tried usb and ps2,. I must be missing something simple here. Any help at all would be great . Thanks
I have managed to use a USB keyboard on an XTM 510, in the BIOS and on the install screens of a full install using serial redirect to putty. I cannot recall if I did anything (BIOS is still locked) to get it working other than plugging it in.