Error Lan - route: route has not been found
I have an error in my pfSense 2.4.3
Next, when I leave only the configured WAN I can ping DNS and any other site, but when I configure the lan interface to do DHCP and distribute the internet I can not even ping through pfSense itself.
At the end of the Lan interface configuration, your
Reloading routing configuration ... route: writing to routing socket: Network is unreachable
route: route has not been foundCan someone help me?
English written by Uncle Google Translate
If you have writen gateway to lan interface, delete it.
As well?
My gateway is in the same IP range as the machines, if I leave with the IP of the wan page I will be able to access?
Wan Configuration
Mask (30)Lan Settings - ipv4
DHCP - -
Gateway should I do?
You have mentioned Gateway here, delete it. You can't have 2 gateways at the same machine. Check and tell the result. From where do you want to access pfsense? Through wan or lan?
@emammadov said in Error Lan - route: route has not been found:
You have mentioned Gateway here, delete it. You can't have 2 gateways at the same machine.
I think he means that the DHCP server is configured to give that gateway address to clients and is the appropriate address.
I think your assuming there jknott.. Have seen it countless countless times where the client places a gateway on their lan interface directly... just completely ignoring all the warnings that this is more than likely WRONG!! Both in the gui and in the setup phase, etc.
@glhrme please clarify your setup on pfsense lan interface - there should be NO gateway on it, and for sure you wouldn't point a gateway to your own address if you did have downstream networks.
Config Lan
Config Wan
Yes, it is in DHCP because I have a router that distributes the ip to it.
When I disable Lan, I go to the shell of pfSense, option Ping Host and type it drops normal, if active Lan no longer works
Makes no sense.. Have you messed with your outbound nat?