pfSense router not connecting after update
Apparently not, unless you know of another program to view via the serial cable?
@eiger3970-0 said in pfSense router not connecting after update:
It appears the Linux computer needs the Shell Terminal to have ‘cu’ installed, so the serial cable will read the router.
This means I have to unbridge the modem so the computer can receive Internet.Yeah this is the sort of procedure that should be worked out before the firewall fails. It's a good reason to always watch an upgrade on the console. You can see everything that is happening and, if something does go wrong, you have already worked out the console access necessary to see what's happening and you know you have all the parts and software necessary before you need them.
It is also a good idea to reboot the router once before upgrading because many times it is the restart itself that exposes a bad disk or other hardware issue. The upgrade is almost always blamed though it had nothing to do with the failure.
minicom is another, but chances are your syntax is not correct.
should be something like:
sudo screen /dev/tty??? 115200
Thanks for the alternate command suggestion.
Unfortunately, screen is also not installed.
Also, I don’t know the serial cable tty id. -
ls -l /dev/tty*
???Look at the system log when you connect it?
Look at the dmesg output and see if, when you boot, the system tells you what tty device node is attached to each serial port?
Look at the linux manual pages for your distribution for connecting to a serial port?
Ok, nothing finds the pfSense router.
I have the router with a femaleSerial-maleUSB into the computer.
lsusb and dmesg -w finds no new device.
I tried the router with maleSerial-femaleSerialAdaptor-femaleSerialAdaptor-maleUSB cable.
Can't use a serial null modem cable, as the computer has no serial port. -
If you see no new USB serial device in dmesg when you connect it then it is the adapter that is the problem.
I would bet the APU is still just fine in hardware terms. Especially since it's still giving the boot up tune.
With a functioning serial terminal I imagine it will be obvious when the problem is from the console output. It the very least you can then just try re-installing.
well, just bought a maleUSBa-maleUSBa and computer doesn't recognise the router.
Might have to buy a serial null modem cable now.
Computer has no serial port, so I might join the serial null modem to my femaleSerial-maleUSBa cable.
I notice the usb has no taste when I put my tongue on it...hope the router is sending power. -
You either see the USB serial adapter as a tty port or you don't. You will see this whether or not the adapter is connected to a device.
The second step would be connecting to the router.
There is nothing special about the serial console port on an APU other than it is a DTE port like that found on most serial adapters so you need a null modem to connect to it from another DTE port.
I notice the usb has no taste when I put my tongue on it...hope the router is sending power.
I have no words in response to this.
I bought a serial null modem femaleSerial-femaleSerial cable connected to my maleSerial-maleUSB cable.
$ dmesg -w, -
sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
What happens?
Bizarre...putty and cu refused connection, but screen worked a charm.
So you were able to re-install or correct the boot fault from the console?
Had to reinstall on the same working Compact Flash appears the latest update broke the pfSense Operating System on the Compact Flash card.
Strange, as the router would boot with the beep sounds.
My tip, have a back up (yes) and have a computer with Wi-Fi (use a hotspot from your mobile to download screen).A real hassle to unplug and open up the pfSense router and to unplug the modem which is in bridged mode to the router.
Then had to plug the bridged modem into the local computer and change the computer to DHCP to find the modem.
Then plug modem back into the Internet.
Then connect everything back once pfSense is reinstalled. -
I have moved this post to my correct original account Please do not post here.