how to Load many users on freeradius automatically?
hi friends,
Hi Friend.
Can Someone help me to load many users on freeradius automatically on pfsense ?i create a file that content all users like this format "users" Cleartext-Password := "password" -
Edit the file manually on pfsense, paste your content over diagnostic/edit file into the users file of freeradius, converted like this:
johnboy Cleartext-Password := "walton"
and restart service
@aliadam said in how to Load many users on freeradius automatically?:
create a file that content all users like this format "users" Cleartext-Password := "password"
Check out this file /cf/conf/config.xml
Look under<pfsense> <installedpackages> <freeradius>
and there you will find many <config> blocks.
Every one is filled up with the info that is used to create a config file for FreeRadius, just before starts.For the last 30 years, we would write some small thing that would read "something" and write it to "some other format".
These days, this might work "build xml from data" .... ;)
Thanks u's works very well.
I load all users content in file.thanks again. -