Hardware Failure
I have a Netgate C2758 where I think the hardware is failing. Every once in a while lately it freezes and no response from console. What I'd really like to know though, is what is failing. If it's just RAM I'll just see if I can find replacement memory. Anyone able to understand the crash dumps to let me know what exactly is failing?
Dump header from device: /dev/ada0s1b Architecture: amd64 Architecture Version: 1 Dump Length: 78336 Blocksize: 512 Dumptime: Sat Oct 26 06:16:05 2019 Hostname: fw01.mydomain.local Magic: FreeBSD Text Dump Version String: FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p10 #9 4a2bfdce133(RELENG_2_4_4): Wed May 15 18:54:42 EDT 2019 root@buildbot1-nyi.netgate.com:/build/ce-crossbuild-244/obj/amd64/ZfGpH5cd/build/ce-crossbuild-244/pfS Panic String: NMI indicates hardware failure Dump Parity: 1159704370 Bounds: 0 Dump Status: good
NMI ISA 60, EISA 0 I/O channel check, likely hardware failure. panic: NMI indicates hardware failure cpuid = 4 KDB: enter: panic
The errors indicate a hardware failure, but there isn't enough detail to say for sure what component since it's not a full MCE log, just an NMI. You might be able to go into the BIOS and get more detail from there.
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