Unable to use console on SG-1100
I screwed up and hit a button without reading the docs, so I was trying to reset my router. It seems I'm not able to access the WebUI easily, so I went and tried the console.
I was not able to get any of the methods working after trying with both Windows and Mac... using screen and cu, yes they had the correct settings. I installed the recommended drivers from the docs and tried both usb devices that showed up in /dev/, to no avail.
Tried with PuTTY on Windows, that also did not work. I had the speed set to 115200 and checked to make sure I had the right COM port. I tried two different USB cables, one it came with and one from a PS4 controller. Nope. Nothing.
Not sure what to do at this point. Thanks.
If you see the virtual com device created when you connect the cable you should be able to connect to it from putty/cu.
Do you just see no output there at all? Some error?Any idea what button you hit that means you required this?
I do see the virtual com device created however I don't see any output in the terminal whatsoever once it connects. No errors at all. Just a blinking cursor.
As for why I need the reset: I think I enabled static DHCP on it and then accidentally hit accept when I was just checking out settings I could implement.
A "COM" port or "RS232" has nothing to do with "DHCP".
It's a point to point serial connection, directly wired.
The only special thing is that most PC's these days do not have RS232 interfaces any more.
Now they are emulated overs USB. -
@Gertjan Yep. I definitely already knew that.
Open a ticket with us: https://go.netgate.com/
You should always see some output there from uboot if you power cycle it, even if pfSense is not booting at all.
We have seen bad cables that somehow allow the device to be seen but not any actual output. You have already tried a different cable though.