I just bought this NIC and want to us it instead of the onboard Intel I219-V Gigabit LAN controller, however its not being detected even after I disabled the onboard LAN. What is it I need to do or this NIC does not work with pfsense?
Does it show in the BIOS device listing at boot?
Does it show in pfSense at the CLI from
pciconf -lv
?Are there any errors in the boot logs?
Does it work in another device, is the card actually known to be good?
I would expect that card to work in pfSense if there are no low level issues with the hardware/firmware.
Okay thanks, I will do some further research and for additional info:
Only the top Port (the 4th port from the PCIe slot) shows a steady Green light and the tp-Link Switch the light blinks. Does this give any indication the NIC is functioning normal or not?
This suppose to be new according to Computer Warehouse and it did come in its protective package sealed. I bought the Intel EXPI9404PT PRO/1000 on eBay.
Somethings wrong in Dodge, just check my BIO's and it indicates the slot in empty... there is a bios update for it, but the notes say its only for "Improved memory compatibility".
Try in another PC if available. If EBay, could be a dead card, too, or even counterfeit. -
Well I'd update the BIOS anyway but if it doesn't appear there it won't appear in pfSense.
There are unfortunately a lot of fake Intel NICs floating about. Though usually the more expensive ones.
Can you test it in something else?
Just a thought, but I would think it would be unlikely to find new production in 2020 based on a chip introduced in 2007.
Good link on cards. -
And another good link on counterfeit i350's. Seems like there would be easier ways to make money, like bank robbery. -
Hi everyone, just wanted to update you on the troubled Intel NIC, I returned it, ordered this Intel E1G44HTBLK Server Adapter I340-T4 (Bulk Pack) 10/100/1000Mbps PCI-Express 2.0 4 x RJ45 from newegg and works as expected.