HAPROXY ACL match host and path
i'm trying to create an HAProxy ACL that matches BOTH the domain and most of the path. I'm doing this so i can ensure lets encrypt token checks go to the correct hosts only on the expected path where the token is.
i've created 2 ACl's with the same name. 1st acl has the expression "Host starts with" value = sub.domain.com and the 2nd ACL has the expression "Path starts with" value = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/"
the following works when i expect it not to.
its like the ACL's are doing an OR instead of an AND.
any advice on how i can craft an acl to match both domain & path so i can create additional ACL's to forward to different backends.
Thanks in advance.
acl's with the same name will be 'combined' using OR criteria.
@kiokoman thanks for that.
any advice on how i can craft an acl to match both domain & path so i can create additional ACL's to forward to different backends.
i think like this, it need to be tested, I have a very simple configuration, try it if you can and let me know
I put some random stuff on this to let you understand
that looks like solution.
Thank you for the quick response