WAN Gateway issues (ESXI instance)
Good Evening,
I am currently experiencing issues with a virtualized instance (ESXI) of PFSense. The gateway is down no matter what I do with the following configuration:
MetroNode LT-S (MM OM4 SFP) --> Chelsio T540-CR Nic (MM OM4 SFP) --> PFSense
I am receiving the following error message in the routing log: WANGW xx.xxx.xxx.xxx: sendto error: 64.
My ESXI configuration is as follows:
WAN (vswitch) -> WAN (Port Group: VLAN 0) -> PFSense WAN (Vmx0) --> STATIC xx.xxx.xxx.xxx/30
LAN (vswitch) -> LAN (Port Group: VLAN 0) -> PFSense LAN (Vmx1) --> DHCP
However, if I connect a Unifi 24 Port Switch off the MetroNode LT-S gateway before the NIC. It will connect to the WAN Gateway. Example:
MetroNode LT-S (MM OM4 SFP) --> Unifi 24 Port Switch (MM OM4 SFP) --> Chelsio T540-CR Nic (MM OM4 SFP) --> PFSense
I have a feeling it has something to do with the MetroNode LT-s needing to be bridged (Layer 2/Layer 3), but I could be completely off on that.
Any insight would be appreciated!
ESXI requires a managed switch to operate correctly
also vLANs will not work without a managed switch
specifically with the Unifi switches you should have the vlans set in the controller software, they should initially work but if you want to tag specific ports you must set then in the controller software then you can tag away -
Good Evening,
I figured out the transmission issue. It had to do with the negotiation between the MetroNode and the Chelsio NIC. I contacted my ISP and they turned off auto negotiation on the MetroNode and it started transmitting. It seems to be something in the driver for the T540-CR that I am using inside of ESXI. Therefore, everything seems to be working now.
Thanks for the replies!