Upgrade 2.5.2 to 2.6.0, upgrade success, Limiters not passing
Hmm so how exactly do you have the Limiters configured?
I've not been able to replicate any issues as long as ipfw is not enabled.
So, I did some more testing today and discovered that normal traffic over the limiters isn't causing any issues. It is actually only specific video games that are experiencing the issue. When I launch a multiplayer game of Heroes of the Storm with the limiters, my latency goes through the roof and I start dropping packets, but without the limiters, it works better, but with still some packet loss. However, I run a co-op vs AI game with the limiters enabled and I have no problems at all. I tried Overwatch, and a multiplayer game blows up my connection so badly that I get instantly disconnected, whether or not I have the limiters enabled. It looks like I am on the wrong thread, I apologize. I'll have to do some more research to figure out where I should actually be posting this. As of note, I didn't have this issue on 2.5.2 and I did the uPnP and latency spike patch at the same time as the captive portal patch. Sorry for not testing further earlier, Steve. -
No worries, thanks for confirming.
@destello Apologies if I missed it somewhere but may I ask what the latency spike patch is? I'm running 2.6.0 CE, bare metal, no captive portal, and getting terrible latency spikes and packet loss on heavy parallel downloads even when I limit to 12% or less of my downstream cap. I'd heard of the captive portal issue but your mention here is the first I recall seeing with respect to a latency spike patch. Thanks!
This, in the System Patches package:
Bingo!! Disable Limiters was the solution for me.
Where limiters are actives the ping to google.com crush every time but ping answer without problem; with limiters disable ping to google and are ok -
Test a 2.7 or 22.05 snapshot if you can. Limiters + Captive Portal is fixed there.
@stephenw10 Just to confirm, there is no System Patch to fix the Captive Portal/Limiter interaction on 22.01, the only option is to disable Captive Portal or upgrade to the Beta/Devel Branch of 22.05?
I couldn't see anything regarding this on the System Patches Package.
That's correct, there is no run-time patch for the issue.