Hyper-V, PfSense and Vodafone Gigafast Issues
We are with Vodafone Gigafast in Milton Keynes, UK.
I have used PfSense for years on older ADSL and FTTC connections etc so not exactly a noob.
My current setup I am trying to get working is:
3 x NIC's
Server 2012 R2I Have Hyper-V installed and am running pFSense virtualised (2.6.0). I assigned the WAN to hn0 and LAN to hn1 and then added the PPPoE settings (vodafone username and 8 character password from live chat), I then added VLAN of 911 and then went back to the PPP tab and set the interface for WAN to hn0.911(PPPoE0 dsl00xxxxxxx@vodafone.broadband.co.uk) to ensure all PPPoE goes via the VLAN. (I used xxxxx to mask our user name)
In the logs under PPP all I am seeing is lots of LCP Down errors and no connection. Ive spent the past 2 days playing around with offloading settings, setting the VLAN within Hyperv on the virtual NIC itself and nothing.....
Any ideas please ?
Are you sure hyper-v is passing the tagged traffic? Can you test running baremetal on something?