PfSense is unreachable after install
@mathomas3 said in PfSense is unreachable after install:
How can I identify the NIC within the software...
Identify it how?
At the console drop to the command line (option 8) and run:
ifconfig -vm em0
That will show you the MAC address and the link status. Unplug the NIC and re-run it. Make sure the link state has changed.
@stephenw10 I was able to get into the console and validated that media was connected and disconnected when I pulled the cable... just for grins I tried pinging and it worked(dummy modem is still active strangely)
after disconnecting the WAN connection I tried pinging google again and it failed
Another thing that I tried (due to the managed switch that I have) I cleared all of the stats for this net router and tried to generate traffic by pinging from it and trying to access the web interface... this is what I got... Port 3 is what it's connected on
If im reading that right... data is being sent To the router but nothing is coming backI also tried a different known good cat5 and im still getting the same results
Nothing makes sense here
@mathomas3 Im going to have to rerun the Mint test... it could have been using the WAN port to access the net... to validate the NIC isnt damaged
Ok... hardware and setup confirmed to be working... the only issue here is PfSense...
I just booted into mint and confirmed that I was able to access the internet and also ping the current router...
What could be the issue here everyone? hardware is confirmed to be working... I have installed pfsense a number of times and the basic setup of this system(which I have done a number of times) isnt working...
anyone have a clue here? I think that I have tried everything on my end to resolve user error/hardware errors
is there someone more technical that can provide assistance?
could the builtin firewall be blocking traffic? How would one determine this?
@mathomas3 said in PfSense is unreachable after install:
could the builtin firewall be blocking traffic? How would one determine this?
Firewalls don't block ARP that I have ever seen..
If pfsense can not arp for, then it would never be able to ping it. Look in your pfsense arp table..
Do a packet capture on pfsense, do you see it send arp - do you not get an answer?
This old router at - how exactly is it connected? Could you put up a drawing of how pfsense and this old router are connected.. Is pfsense lan interface directly connected to a lan port of this old router? Is there some other switch between them?
When you ping from this 1.232 IP with mint, is that actually running on the same hardware your installing pfsense too? Is that some other box?
That mint box is showing en01, while pfsense is showing em1 - en01 is normally a embedded nic, that is like on the soc, while em01 would be a actual card in the device and not the soc interface.
Make sure the em0 MAC address shown in pfSense matches that shown in Mint.
Seems very unlikely it wouldn't though since we could see it correctly showing the link change in pfSense when you physically disconnected it.
Try running
ifconfig -vvvm em0
. Make sure you don't have some obscure hardware offloading value enabled.
I've never seen that on an em NIC but...Steve
@stephenw10 @johnpoz I hope this finds you well... Sorry for the long delay... I was a bit frustrated with the thing so I decided to take a little time off... I have read all of your comments and I hope that I answered them all well... Things have not changed at all... So to try and bring everything up to speed...
I have two pfsenses on my network both connected via ethernet cables that run through a switch(that's how they should be able to communicate with each other and any computer be able to ping either device) and both using a usb hotspot as the WANI cant speak as to why mint and pfsense show different em1 vs em01... This system is a very small computer that would be used for a register or a very low powered display... clearly not a workstation so everything should be SOC
Problem. the LAN port doesnt work when running pfsense but works running mint
NewBox(things I have tried)
reset and ensured IP settings are correct
reinstalled the os and reset IP settings a number of times
I have validated wiring and hardware by booting into Mint and pulling an IP and pinging the OldBox(
I have setup an isolated network just for NewBox using separate hardware (newbox, switch, WAN modem, and a PC) NewBox wasnt pinging(even when DHCP was setup on it) nor offered DHCP leases.. manually set the IP on PC and still nothing
Booted NewBox using Mint which pulls an IP from OldBox and is pingable
Validated the MACs match when booted into PfSense or MintFresh Menu Pic
NewBox Ifconfig
Below are the results of ifconfig --vvvm em0
NewBox ifconfig
Ping to both New and Old from a different computer
OldBox showing an ARP only when using Mint on NewBox
build layout with the small scale test that I mentioned with the Old currently serving out DHCP leases
Here is a screen grab from my switch... I cleared stats and let it site for about 30 seconds and this what I got... NewBox is connected to port 3
This was about 3 mins later and after doing a port scan of which yielded zero open ports
So when you're in the 'Test' configuration if you set the PC to DHCP it doesn't pull a IP address?
When if you connect the PC to the New pfSense LAN directly without a switch?
@stephenw10 correct... the PC didnt pull an IP(and yes I would have preferred to use a switch, that shouldnt have mattered in this case)
the second part of your question... I have recently gotten cat5 connectors and I can make a crossover cable... do you think it's worth the time? I would think that the hub test should be valid
@mathomas3 said in PfSense is unreachable after install:
cat5 connectors and I can make a crossover cable
Why would you think you need a crossover? Crossover hasn't been a thing since gig came out 1998 ;)
Part of the 1000Base-T standard is auto-midx, if atleast one of the interfaces is gig, there is no need for a crossover.
If your not getting dhcp there is something wrong with the switch, the cable or the interface(driver for the interface).. When you look on pfsense, or any of the devices connected to the same switch that pfsense is connected to do you see a mac address in the arp table of that device, does pfsense in its arp table see any of the other devices?
Or maybe you have some messed up vlan config on the switch?
@johnpoz ok... I connected the NewBox directly to the OldBox and setup(I hope this port to a complete new IP Scope) 2.1 and 2.3(for the NexBox) and using an existing PC on the network I am able to ping the OldBox at 2.1 while the NewBox at 2.3 isnt reachable...
I also do not have vlans setup on the switch
How would I check for which drivers are being used on the NewBox vs Mint? would it be worth trying a Dev build on this system?
I bought this hardware as a "renewed" system so it's not something I would think exotic nor bleeding edge... something that linux should cover...
I checked what network card that I am using and it's a Intel I217-LM which has been supported by FreeBSD since version 8.4 till version 14(current)
I checked which version of FreeBSD that PfSense I am currently running is 12.(something)... so I should be good there...
Should I open a bug report here? I have confirmed the hardware, the drivers, the kernel, cables, in many different configurations... Im at a loss...
Well I just tried the Dev build while it was directly connected to the OldBox... no go there... in the morning I will try it going through the switch... Im losing hope...
@mathomas3 said in PfSense is unreachable after install:
I am able to ping the OldBox at 2.1 while the NewBox at 2.3 isnt reachable...
And did you look to see if you see an mac addresses?
@mathomas3 said in PfSense is unreachable after install:
I connected the NewBox directly to the OldBox and setup
What does that even mean?
@johnpoz I have looked at the ARP table and nothing matches from what I have seen...
Also... the after suggestion of others, I have physically connected the two boxes together and given them their own subnet... a vs my normal network being
This post is deleted! -
@mathomas3 said in PfSense is unreachable after install:
ARP table and nothing matches from what I have seen...
Well if you ping the IP and you get no mac, then no your never going to talk to it.. Its that simple.. Doesn't matter what IPs you put on the devices... If your not seeing a mac for the IP, you are not going to talk to it..
Mmm, this has to be something very basic.
When you tested it with Mint on the same hardware and were able to ping were you using the same switch port?
What happens if you disconnect the USB modem and re-assign the WAN as em0? Does it pull a DHCP from the Old pfSense?