No ip on wan
@steveits I don't I checked that when I called USI. USI is fiber to my apartment building and there is a CAT 7 cable to my apt. It's crazy because the system in the basement is in the laundry 100% unsecured. Anyone can disconnect or change connections with in the building. I don't want my pc connected to that without a firewall. I've complained but nothing changed.
@jessicathesignificant In our building we allow Internet by MAC address of each tenant. Otherwise anyone can connect without paying.
@steveits okay. I don't understand are you suggesting I try something? When I called they were able to see the MAC address for the pfsense build. I'm connected directly to the wall.
@jessicathesignificant I was saying maybe they haven’t allowed it. Sounds like they can see the new one. There’s really not much to do. A default install uses DHCP for WAN. Anything logged in pfSense? Change patch cables? Swap the WAN NIC with another?
@steveits what do they need to allow? The person I talked to said it looked like the only solution is I go buy a new consumer router or I pay for business internet which comes with a static ip. Why would pfsense require a static ip?
I have a $150 consumer router that needs RMA, they will not send me even a temporary replacement.
Why would I be able to connect one router but not another? Why would I be able to connect my pc directly to the wall and it works but a pfsense router doesn't? There has to be a setting not right.
The trouble shooting guide
doesn't seem to address this issue.
I've also done hours of searching for this issue here in the forum and using Google I'm not finding a place to start, which is why I ask here. I'm not exaggerating saying I spent the entire day, Thursday, on this. I have to be just missing something, likely because my knowledge is 15 years old.
@steveits forgot to say cables are good/ they worked on other router and/or connect pfsense to PC so I can connect to web interface of pfsense.
@jessicathesignificant pfSense doesn’t require a static IP on WAN. What isn’t working I don’t know but it’s not normal. If the logs don’t show anything on the WAN interface then I suggested replacing the NIC or you could reset to defaults.
@steveits okay I did a reinstall. I switched Wan and Lan. It kind of resolved my that issue. But created another. I now have an ip from ISP but my pc can't connect to the pfsense. It shows the Lan created an ip but I can't seem to connect to it. I suddenly remembered the lesson I learned about patch cables vs cross overs, likely somethingi read yesterday shook it loose. I tried adding an un managed switch I have des-1105 but it didn't help. I dont have a cross over. Is the on board nic of the PC I installed pfsense on dead? I'm getting a replacement for the doa nic. I work today I'll update tonight. Hopefully the new nic arrives and isn't doa.
I also just went on ebay and bought another Intel nic from a local seller I will hopefully pick up today.
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
It's working thank you. Tomorrow I get the temporary access point for wifi. Cross fingers it goes okay.
I'll create a new topic if it doesn't.
The problem is the onboard Realtek nic is either bad or just isn't compatible with pfsense.