IPTV Smarters blocking
Yes, I am sure it is a multicast issue, I cannot see what the application actually needs as all I have to do is give a a username/password and URL.
Not sure why I should need an igmp proxy for firewall rules, the default is to allow anything out, which means the Multicast Join can work as I can see because TV programs start streaming.
I have a 1gb internet line and if I put a old router on it, it works fine through that, so it must be something with the Netgate / pfSense as thats all thats between the Program and the internet.
You need to do what @stephenw10 said. You need to enable IP options in firewall rule(s). I had similar issue. You can read about it here.
Do you see blocked traffic in the firewall logs?
Did you enable IP Options?
https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/troubleshooting/firewall.html#review-rule-parametersI still expect to require the IGMP proxy for this. Your other router almost certainly contains something similar that's allowing it.
@stephenw10 yes I done as you suggested and I also enabled FW logs.
Nothing is showing in the logs as blocked and it still stops / starts when playing through the Netgate.
Well as I said I expect to need IGMP proxy for something like that to work. I have nothing here to test against though.
Try running some packet captures and see what it's sending? Or check the states that are opened.
@stephenw10 While I get what your saying, I doubt my old single band 8 year old Asus router has got an built in IGMP proxy, could be wrong.
Likewise, while using the public wifi of a hospital a week or so ago, it worked without issue, again I doubt they have a IGMP proxy setup.
Mmm, public wifi probably wouldn't indeed. Nor would it have UPnP etc.
So I would try to see what traffic that application is actually sending.
You might try setting static ports on outbound NAT for that client. That would differ to SOHO router, but not pulbic wifi....
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I had a similar problem with my IPTV service before. It kept buffering when I used it with my home network setup. The settings in my network system were messing with the streaming. You should check your Netgate and pfSense settings. Look for any limits on streaming or internet speed and see if the firewall is blocking something.
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