Upgraded from 2.4 to 2.7.0 and no internet
Can you ping from router ?
If I understand what you are asking, yes.
I am currently connected with this PC to the cable router and the pfSense PC is also connected to the cable router.
Any PC on the pfSense LAN can't see the internet. -
ping from the router
does gateway monitor work on the home page? -
Can't ping that:
Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again. -
This post is deleted! -
This post is deleted! -
Yes that works.
Sorry for being such a noob. -
Is your lan 192.168.x.x and wan in pfsense?
In dashboard, the WAN and LAN have the correct IP.
Also, from pfSense, I can ping urls on the internet. -
So that means you also have working DNS, and can ping netgate.com from pfsense?
This may seem silly, but re-applying interface settings may help.
Simply changing nothing and save and apply.
Save button at bottom of page.
Nothing has to be changed.
lan and wan -
I set IPv6 to none on all interfaces (after disabling DHCPv6 &RA), saved/applied
No change -
Is pfsense cpu at idl?
Do have any packages installed, squid or other proxy(s)?
Is pfsense handling dhcp?
Can gateway be ping 100% of time?
If pfsense ip is can it be pinged?ping -t
CPU is at 1%
bandwidthid, iperf, suricata
pfsense is handling DHCP
No ping reply on gateway!! -
Please update us when you fix it.
Is dhcp able to bind to the lan interface and reply to request?
The dhcp logs can be found herehttp://
Is your computer on a static ip?
Does pfsense cpu ever hit 0% or is it idling at 1%?
What is your "Default Gateway" at the computer using command promptipconfig /all | findstr /IR "Default ethernet adapter" | findstr /IRV "description tunnel vpn dial bluetooth [2-9]:$" | findstr /LV "*"
All clients or just one not connecting to internet?
Do you have ssh access?
Is suricata on the lan wan or both?
If suricata on lan try switching to only wan.
I assume for troubleshooting suricata is off? -
From the computer connected to pfsense:
Configured to get IP/DNS automaticallyper ipconfig:
IP = (as dictated by pfsense DHCP static mapping) so that is working
Gateway =
However can't ping so I can't get to the log file but I can access it from pfsenseHaven't seen CPU go to 0%
so this is interesting. Dashboard shows WAN at but Status/Gateways shows WAN_DHCP (default) as and status is online.
At the moment there is only one client but prior to this troubleshooting, there were many.
I can physically access the computer.
suricata in only on the WAN and running. I have stopped it. no change -
DHCP logs can be found here
In firewall rules is a rule sush as ?Default allow LAN to any rule
Can pfsense ping ?
To me, you're wasting valuable time. Since you lagged in upgrading and have such a wide gap, the proper solution is to do a clean install of pfSense and restore config from a backup.
I can see the dhcp log through pfsense.
The only firewall rule for the LAN is the anti-lockout rule.
I added an Action-Pass, interface-LAN, protocol-Any rule and that worked.
So do I dare try and restore a backup?
I would think this rule should have been there by default and if so, why did it get removed on the update? -
Thanks for the help!!!!!! -
@sjgallo said in Upgraded from 2.4 to 2.7.0 and no internet:
I can see the dhcp log through pfsense.
The only firewall rule for the LAN is the anti-lockout rule.
I added an Action-Pass, interface-LAN, protocol-Any rule and that worked.
So do I dare try and restore a backup?
I would think this rule should have been there by default and if so, why did it get removed on the update?If you only had one firewall rule, your system is messed up...again, do a clean install and reconfigured as your back appears to be messed up too.