Missing kernel modules on release 2.7.0
I'm using pfSense on a custom built PC as a main firewall/vpn/router. Alongside these features, I'm also having some iSCSI disks that I'm forwarding to some ESXi hosts using FreeBSD's native ctld.
Version 2.6.0 shipped the required kernel modules: cfiscsi.ko, ctl.ko, isci.ko, iscsi.ko.
Version 2.7.0:- upgrading to this version stopped this functionality, modules are not there anymore.
- fresh installing this version will have the same outcome, no modules.
- opened the DVD image of pfSense installer, and in the /BOOT/KERNEL path, there are 2 modules (CTL.KO and ISCI.KO) which are not being coppied over during the installation process. Still cfiscsi.ko and iscsi.ko are required for the ctld service to run.
In the pre 2.6.0 era (2.6.0 was the only one shipping out all the FreeBSD modules if I'm not mistaken), the missing modules could be easily coppied over from the FreeBSD stable dvd release for each corresponding version.
First of all, I'm not a hardcore BSD user/engineer, but after some research I've managed the following:
- Installation of a fresh BSD 13.2
- Cloned the https://github.com/pfsense/FreeBSD-src repository and moved its contents to /usr/src, changed the branch to RELENG_2_7_0
- Now I'm building world and kernel using: make -C /usr/src buildworld buildkernel
Has anyone done this and can offer some advices? Can we request anywhere these modules to be available in a future build?
I've managed to build my own kernel from the RELENG_2_7_0 branch on a FreeBSD 14 Beta 4 instance. Afterwards I've copied the kernel files over from BSD to pfSense and everything works like a charm for now. iSCSI targets are visible to the ESXi hosts, firewall/vpn/routes are working fine. Internet speeds are like before (complex setup lacp, some vlans, dual wan, policy routing).
Will post here in the next few days a procedure for anyone who's interested in such matters.
@sTicKs23 Congrats!
It's strange, only 74 modules instead of 977 in the old core.
I need a uchcom.ko module (USB-to-RS-232) to collect monitoring data.
I will have to follow your path. -
Wow! )
uchcom0: <vendor 0x1a86 USB2.0-Serial, rev 1.10/2.54, addr 4> on usbus0
uchcom0: CH340 detected -
@hell_p So, it worked for you too?
@sTicKs23, exactly, thank you!