Ping not working on CLI or with "default" interface on GUI
Yeah, I really like to know what's causing that. Must be something very obscure as I see almost zero references to it.
@stephenw10 I have just reinstalled the system, and zero-to-ping works well after disabling igb0/igb1, enabling ix0/ix1, and setting static IP and gateway for the relevant WAN interface. This means the problem lies in my restored config.xml, which seems to be breaking things although it comes from another functional system which is in production. The other system is virtualised, and not a dedicated environment, so I only changed "vtnet0" for "ix0" in the ported config.xml, but perhaps additional changes are needed.
I will try to restore a couple of config.xml's to see if results differ, and if it still breaks I will manually configure this system. It would be great to know the exact cause of the issue though!
Thanks again for your assistance and dedication. I will post again if I have additional findings which are relevant.
@stephenw10 More wizardry. So, before reinstalling the system, I downloaded the config.xml. Now, after reinstalling it I restored exactly the same config.xml (no changes at all!), and now everything works: ping and nslookup, updates, etc. So I cannot confirm my config.xml was at fault!
The good thing is that everything works now, and no manual configuration is required (phew...). The bad side is that we do not know what was (seriously) wrong. But maybe instead of spending 3 days troubleshooting, next time I could try to reinstall first, and if the same result happens, then troubleshoot. A learning experience :D.
Thanks again!
Hmm, so something dynamic that survives a reboot but is not in the config.