Intel NIC I-226V
@stephenw10 Yes, exactly, if suricata disabled speed test show as should be about 95% of max capacity as set in traffic shaping limiters!
Hmm. Do you see the same in legacy and in-line mode?
@stephenw10 Use in-line mode, don't use legacy mode. Do you want to test in legacy mode?
Yes, test legacy mode. See if there is any change.
@stephenw10 In legacy mode looks like speed as should be
Hmm, so possibly some netmap issue. If you run
sysctl dev.netmap.admode=1
it should prevent netmap running in emulated mode which is very slow. However that does mean it can only run in native mode so may break if that's not possible for some reason. -
@stephenw10 I will try to set in native mode, but also have net.bpf.zerocopy_enable=1 is it not a problem?
I wouldn't expect that to make any difference there if netmap is working. Why do you have that set?
@stephenw10 During suricata installation at the end was this tip and I did)))
Oh, in the install log? Ok well I would definitely try disabling that then. Almost all users would not set that.
@Antibiotic Unfortunately, sysctl dev.netmap.admode=1 doesn't help at all. So the option only to use in legacy mode?
But it didn't break traffic?
That implies igc is running netmap in native mode but for some reason the performance isn't as expected. That's not something I've ever poked at in any depth. There may be some tuning option there though.
@stephenw10 I'm left netmap in native mode and remove from sysctl net.bpf.zerocopy_enable=1. The speed the same as not to be normal. Its not a break traffic. Can you please give me some links for tuning netmap in native mode? BTW after reboot all this services ( suricata, crowdsec, ntopng and pfblockerng need to start manually something wrong)
Well nothing specific since, as I say, I've not really poked at this. But I'd start here:
Bill can probably tell us if this is worth investigating.
@stephenw10 FreeBSD man page too hard for me)))) I'm not IT pro)) Could some read our conversation and give some tips! I will wait
How many Suricata instances are you running and how many enabled rules on each instance?
Remove this setting:
sysctl net.bpf.zerocopy_enable=1
Ignore those notes at the end of the package install. They are coming from the default notes packaged from upstream and have no usefulness in pfSense.
Running Suricata, ntopng, and Crowdsec is asking a lot from this firewall.
Post back the output of this command:
ps -ax | grep suricata
I'm guessing you have multiple Suricata instances running on the same interface and thus are severely wasting CPU cycles doing duplicate work.
@bmeeks 26057 - Ss 3:58.16 /usr/local/bin/suricata --netmap -D -c /usr/local/etc/suricata/suricata_12484_igc1/suricata.yaml --pidfile /var/run/
27203 0 S+ 0:00.00 grep suricata -
@bmeeks I'm not sure , what you asking but running suricata on LAN only. Also have a on pfSense box 4th NIC's but working only 2 now ( one as WAN and second as LAN)
What rules do you have enabled?
Suricata should be able to obtain 1 Gigabit/sec performance using inline-IPS mode with most modern multicore CPUs and a decent multi-queue NIC. Perhaps your flavor of the I-226V NIC has an issue. How many netmap queues and slots show up from this command?
grep /var/log/dmesg.boot netmap
@bmeeks Suricata in IPS Policy Selection Balanced
IPS Policy Mode Policy