No Available Packages - Package Manager
Running 2.7.0 version. No packages are being listed in Package Manager. No error is generated.
How can this be fixed? -
Fixing this shouldn't be a priority.
After all, you can't (shouldn't !!) install or upgrade pfSense packages when your pfSense isn't up to date : as of today, its 2.7.2.
Example : recently, pfSense stopped using "OpenSSL 1", now it includes "OpenSSL 3", so everything is re compiled using this new library.
If you install a packages that uses software that your system hasn't, you'll break it.Not being able to see the new pfSense update is an issue that has been mentioned : see here Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software.
In 2.7.0 try running:
certctl rehash
then recheck.But, yes, you should upgrade to 2.7.2 if you see it offered.
@stephenw10 Not sure I missed it. Updated to 2.7.2. Packages are showing now. Thanks!