Pfsence 2.7.2 and SCSI Perc 4/SC
How did 2.6 see the disk(s) or controller?
It's almost always better to disable hardware raid controller and use a ZFS if you need that though.
I have noticed from multiple threads that Dell Perc-controller seem to require hw.mfi.mrsas_enable="1" to work...
Hello, thank you for your responses.
@stephenw10 I'm not very familiar with ZFS, but in its current state, I'm unable to connect the disques to anything other than the perc card on this server.
@mvikman For the parameter hw.mfi.mrsas_enable="1", at what point should it be indicated? During the boot options?
Here's a post with instructions -
@mvikman OK, I just tested it and when I enter the command
set hw.mfi.mrsas_enable="1"
I get an "unknown command" error.
I tried replacing the " with ' and I no longer get the error, but the installer does not detect the disks during partitioning (automatic or manual) and only offers the partition of the USB key.
I also tested the solution in that post
You'd have to enter that command at the loader prompt:
@stephenw10 Yes
So how did/does the disc appear in 2.6?
It is recognized immediately by the installer without any particular action on my part.
With the 2.7.2 installer, I only see the partition of my USB key da0.
Hmm, interesting. It's because the amr driver doesn't exist in 2.7.X:
DEPRECATION NOTICE The amr driver is not present in FreeBSD 14.0.
I'm not sure there anything we can do about that. How old is that hardware?
Darn, I'll have to find another server. Too bad, it was working really well :(
The machine must be 15 years old, but at the time it was a powerful server.
Well can you connect the disk(s) directly without that controller? Since they are not SAS.