WAN periodically Rebooting
Looks like he's on Zen so the UK.
The release notes make it look like MDM6 is worth trying:
"Vigor166_4.2.5_MDM6.zip" provides Annex A modem code 129120_05, and 128210_02. (Recommended when meeting VDSL sync issue).
Though I'd probably try 4.2.7_MDM6.
It's interesting that your current firmware shows as 4.2.7_BT so maybe tuned for BT/Openreach?
@stephenw10 Not sure if its the same equiv,.. but there's also a 4.2.7 MDM6.zip
Humm,.. same improvements ? who knows...??
what are MDM versions..? -
@diyhouse Hello, yes I’m in the UK with Zen. I contacted support@draytek.co.uk and they sent a link to the firmware. I tried newer *_BT firmware but still get the frequent drops so went back to one I mentioned above. I hadn’t seen the 4.2.7_MDM6 version but can try it and let you know how it goes. Is the link on the draytek UK website?
@stephenw10 Okay great, thanks. I’ll feedback. It’s usually obvious within a couple of hours if the firmware is going to provide a stable connection.
@diyhouse I've tried the 4.2.7_MDM6 firmware with my Vigor 166. The connection has been up for ~10 hours without dropping so I'll stick with it and see how it goes. I would have expected the *_BT firmware to have dropped a few times already based on what's happened in the past.
@youngy well guys,.. nearly 24hrs of uninterrupted Internet, with 4.2.7 MDM6...
Looking good for connection etc
my only downside is 75Mbps/10Mbps,.. for some reason I don't seem to be able to upload above 10Mbps,.. even though the Draytek box states 20 is available...
Have checked pfsense and there don't appear to be any bandwidth limits being imposed,.. so why this does not reflect what is available I do not know.
Any thoughts.. -
@diyhouse Good news! Fingers crossed
. My connection hasn't dropped since I upgraded to that firmware either. Unfortunatley my upload speed has never been above 10Mbps:
Perhaps it's worth leaving it a few days until you're happy that the connection is relatively stable and then try rebooting the modem. Will you let us know how it goes? It's useful to have the information in the thread.
Yes you might be limited upstream somewhere after frequent disconnects. That should clear after some stability.
@stephenw10 Well guys quick update and tx for your help and advice,.. ticking along nicely albeit at 10Mps upload,.. Download seems rock steady around 72Mbps... ( or better )
@diyhouse Hi Guys got to about 60hrs uptime.. and for some reason got a reset/ reconnect...
Upload speed is still in the 10Mbps region.. -
Hmm, maybe something upstream limiting it permanently then? I assume you have 1G link to the modem OK?
Might be time to call BT again and make sure they haven't set something.
@diyhouse Just out of interest, can you post logs from the Dreytek related to WAN dropping out.
@VioletDragon Logging enabled,.. awaiting next event..
@diyhouse: Trying to get log files...but web documentation does not seem to work,.. will have to contact Draytek tomorrow..
adsl idle dti_on # Followed by sys reboot
Does not give me the ability to pull logs in the diagnostic window