pfSense 2.7.2 in Hyper-V freezing with no crash report after reboot
Monitor top -aSHm cpu via SSH, and you'll see [kernel{hveventN}] consuming all your CPU until pfSense crashes or freezes. While it's difficult to reproduce, certain factors increase its occurrence, such as using large filter lists, extensive MAC filters for CP, bogonv6, scheduled rule times (cron 00/15/30/45), and actions triggering filter reloads.
This issue also occurs on bare metal, but it's so rare that most users don’t notice it; I experienced it twice since January. However, after transitioning from bare metal to Hyper-V two weeks ago, it now happens 2-3 times a week.
I suspect that under specific conditions, the filter reload causes a process to lose its thread connections, resulting in an event storm.
No such problems with version 2.6.0 on the same HW or Hypervisor.
I'm sure dtrace or maybe procstat can shed some light here but that's beyond my capabilities.