Bandwidth share evenly by ip?
Is possible using 2.0? Can someone help me achieving this?
You can use the limiters tab in Traffic Shapping for that.
I didn't understand how to assign the traffic, is something like this? - limiter pipe - assign trafficPfsense says there are some errors involving the creation of the rules
Enable the limiter in the screenshot.
I still get a error: dummynet cannot be specified without directions
What rule are you trying to create?
This rule
I don't know if I'm creating correctly -
Is possible using 2.0? Can someone help me achieving this?
To the developers: How about implementing E-SFQ disciplines?
@ttlinna: you know what are you talking about? Or you just read the headlines somewhere!
I'm sorry, but as far as I understood, with E-SFQ you can share bandwidth evenly among different users.
I tihnk there are some commercial products using this discipline for that purpose.
Please correct me, if I am wrong.
The problem with pfsense's limiters for this application is that they don't do anything for you on a congested link. It's great that I can limit every client to 10mbps when my WAN is 40mbps, but what happens when 10 clients all start grabbing the latest WoW or Steam update, or Ubuntu 11.04 beta?
I'm not familiar with E-SFQ, but I know the sfq queuing discipline in Linux is designed to balance the link across all active stream (which is maybe moot anyway, as we want to balance clients, not sessions).
Well in pfSense you can only balance clients AND IT IS POSSIBLE.
With limiters you can balance sessions too if you want but its not exported on the GUI.For what is worth you can use queues in combination iwth limiters to achieve best traffic QoS.
Like limit every client with limiters but prioritizing ACKs in the link etc…