Status_queues.php page unable to load
Every time I go to the que statue page, i get this error in FF 7.01: "The page isn't redirecting properly Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies."
IE8 wont even load the page to give an error
2.1-DEVELOPMENT (i386)
built on Tue Sep 13 17:28:43 EDT 2011
FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p4from logs:
Oct 20 09:54:43 php: /status_queues.php: Something wrong happened during comunication with stat gathering
Oct 20 09:54:43 php: /status_queues.php: The command '/usr/local/sbin/qstats -p /var/run/' returned exit code '127', the output was '/usr/local/sbin/qstats: not found'
Oct 20 09:54:43 php: /status_queues.php: Something wrong happened during comunication with stat gathering
Oct 20 09:54:43 php: /status_queues.php: The command '/usr/local/sbin/qstats -p /var/run/' returned exit code '127', the output was '/usr/local/sbin/qstats: not found'
Oct 20 09:54:43 php: /status_queues.php: Something wrong happened during comunication with stat gathering
Oct 20 09:54:43 php: /status_queues.php: The command '/usr/local/sbin/qstats -p /var/run/' returned exit code '127', the output was '/usr/local/sbin/qstats: not found'not sure how qstat went missing. I checked, and its missing. Going to check if the backup file has a copy. If not, should I do a firmware update with 2.0 release firmware?
I searched the file system and my last back up, no file. I checked a firmware update… No file...
any ideas where i can get qstats?
It's a work in progress, it isn't set to be included on snapshots yet, may just be an oversight there.
Try this:
fetch -o /usr/local/sbin/qstats chmod a+x /usr/local/sbin/qstats
Thanks Jim! I'll give it try tonight.
- 8 days later
My box didn't like it. The page would keep loading… I'll wait till snapshots are available.
- about a month later
Anything else I can try? I tried to go back to an other page but its stuck at waiting for data…
Not sure, it's not something I have worked on, and it's on 2.1 so it's still considered 'ok' to break some stuff there as it isn't meant to be a stable branch.
Not sure, it's not something I have worked on, and it's on 2.1 so it's still considered 'ok' to break some stuff there as it isn't meant to be a stable branch.
fair enough.. its stable for the most part.. just some little things need touching up… at least what i use it for.
I think there is an open ticket that this was trying to fix, if you can find it, post on there that it isn't working as expected, and perhaps it will get better attention.
Only ticket I see is but it talks about not all of their queues are showing..
if the issue is still there when the new binaries come out, i'll put a ticket in.
I have absolutely the same behavior of pfsense
2.1-DEVELOPMENT (i386)
built on Wed Sep 21 20:25:30 PDT 2011
FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p4updated from 2.0 to 2.1 using this
- about a month later
can this be moved to the 2.1 board please? its only related to 2.1 code that i know of.
EDIT: Thanks Jimp!
- 10 days later
its working again :-) jQuery code needed to be updated:
btw, i deleted qstats from /usr/local/sbin before trying to the new page.
I do see this in the log with qstats removed:php: /status_queues.php: The command '/usr/local/sbin/qstats -p /var/run/' returned exit code '127', the output was '/usr/local/sbin/qstats: not found'
putting qstats back, page keeps loading… For the trade off, i can live with it for until we are freebsd9.x
my box must have a mind of its own… sometimes the page works, somtimes it doesn't.. anyone else experience the something?
Feb 4 13:31:40 php: /status_queues.php: Something wrong happened during comunication with stat gathering
- 2 months later
made some progress for my box anyways.. I'm still using 2.0.1 binaries but with 2.1 code(haven't gitsync in a while because now i need the 2.1 dev binaries or my box will break)
some reason my box wont execute /usr/local/sbin/qstats -p /var/run/ via status_queues.php. It just hangs. If I run the command via the cmdline, the page displays queue data again. I setup shellcmd to run /usr/local/sbin/qstats -p /var/run/ on startup but the box would hang on startup… So i created a basic rc.d startup script and everything is good again.
One of these days I will just wipe my box and start from scratch but going to wait for 2.1 to be release since I have issues when the packages are being installed, I use a few that dont have pbi yet.
- about a month later
On every 2.1 snapshot I have tried since they started being built again (AMD64, a few weeks ago) i have this problem. Also, if I go to the Status -> Queues page, my pfsense stops responding to any request until I reboot it. It still will pass traffic and everything works fine as far as I can tell, but will not answer any more web requests until I get into it via ssh and reboot it.
I don't have anything setup for traffic shaping or QOS so that page may actually work for someone who does. I discovered it by accident awhile ago and every snapshot I try it has happened since, I figured someone else would have said something about it lately but since no one else has, here I am.
This should make it better:
Thanks for the quick draw mcgraw!
I confirm (via a gitsync and a reboot) that this fixes my problem, I now get a "Traffic shaping is not configured" page.
2.1-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Tue May 1 06:11:28 EDT 2012
FreeBSD pfs.dv.loc 8.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE #1: Tue May 1 07:20:03 EDT 2012 amd64