Watchguard XTM 5 Series
i ordered the same soic8 clip as you ALREADY have and got it today. works great with the willems programmer i got. ive attached a few pictures to show. you dont need the expensive willems soic8 clip and adapter. (though i already had it.)
Thanks for the update.
I'm going to order this programmer also, but you mention the SOIC8 clip,
did you try also the SPI connector next to the BIOS chip ?
I found the SOIC8 clip is not that secure connection, because it can sometimes flip off.
If this occur during flashing, the flashprocedure must be repeated from scratch.Grtz
DeLorean -
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NO i havent tried the SPI connector YET… ill have to take a good look at the pinout and make a cable up that plugs in. i make up cables for each different device i use the SPI connector on. ill order the parts tonight
You can try a USB 9pin header cable (the cable from motherboard to the front USB ports in some cases).
The pinsout of the SPI connector are 1:1 as the chip, except the above 2 pins are not used.
I have measured this by a multimeter @ Continuity mode (beep)Grtz

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Mentioned back on page 26..
Does anyone know where one could obtain that expanded card with the optical interface? Looks like it would work on an XTM5..
Slot is actually on the motherboard dag nab it!
i have a small question what is the maximum system requirements for xtm505 - mb-7850 v1.0 motherboard ?
i have a small question what is the maximum system requirements for xtm505 - mb-7850 v1.0 motherboard ?
Hardware (motherboard) doesn't have system requirements.
System requirements are for software.
Do you mean, what the maximum amount of Ram is and which is the fasfest Cpu that the motherboard supports ?The maximum amount of Ram supported on a XTM5 is 4Gb DDR2 (as the motherboard manual says),
but i have read story's about succesfully using 8Gb.
For the fasfest Cpu, that's a tricky question to answer.
By default, a XTM5 series motherboard has a cpu in the range of 65Watt TDP, if you wanna stay in this temperaturerange,
then the Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550s – 2.83 GHz - 1333Mhz is the fastest.Grtz
DeLorean -
Very Thanks :) :) :)
Some Xeons will run in it either the socket 775 models or the socket 771 with the pin-mod. Not sure they're any faster than the C2Q though. I've not personally tried but there are reports in this thread.
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pin 3 isnt connected between the SPI header and the chip on mine but the SHIELDED cable i used to connect the adapter on my willems programmer works great and can read/write the flash chip just fine from the SPI header.
Thanks for the update.
In the meanwhile i have finally tried the BIOS update with flashrom trough serial console,
and succesfully updated 5 of these red boxes :)
But now i'm sure that your programmer works, and this is my lifeline if anything goes wrong.
I have now flashed all XTM 5 boxes here in the house, and i'm safe for the moment.
Thanks for taking the time to investigate this. ;-)ps : can you give a link of the shielded cable you used ?
DeLorean -
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Those of you that are running Xeon processors have you had any problems with the temperature sensors?
I have just done my first 771 to 775 mod on one of these watchguards and want to confirm if I am seeing an error or usual behaviour since the microcode in the BIOS might be wrong.
I installed a L5420 and the dashboard widget is reporting over 70 Celsius but the BIOS is reporting about 40 Celsius.
I am using the Intel Core temp sensor option in settings and not None / ACPI.
Anybody else seen this behaviour before? Which temperature is correct?
Should I redo the thermal paste? I did not use Arctic silver but cheap gold stuff, as I had run out of the good stuff. Since the two are reporting different temps I would think that the paste might be OK.
It could very likely be incorrect.
The coretemp driver reads a delta value from the CPU sensor and removes that from a known maximum value for the CPU. But since you've modified the CPU to pretend to be something else it's probably using the wrong values there. No way to fix that in software that I know of. Check your Tjmax value against the documented value for that CPU:
[2.4.0-BETA][admin@xtm5.stevew.lan]/root: sysctl dev.cpu.0.coretemp dev.cpu.0.coretemp.throttle_log: 0 dev.cpu.0.coretemp.tjmax: 85.0C dev.cpu.0.coretemp.resolution: 1 53
Hi Steve,
I guessed Coretemp was the issue.
The Tjmax for a L5420 is 70c but coretemp sets the processor to 105c.As far as I can see this is because the code contains an else if clause for the core2duo but the Xeon has the same family model Id (0x17) and the same stepping (6) so the code executes and sets the wrong value.
I have modified the coretemp.c file on a 10.3 BSD and rebuilt it to set a tjmax of 70 instead.Have just loaded it up and now have dashboard and widget reporting 40c instead of 75c.
I will do some testing and then post it here.
It could very likely be incorrect.
The coretemp driver reads a delta value from the CPU sensor and removes that from a known maximum value for the CPU. But since you've modified the CPU to pretend to be something else it's probably using the wrong values there. No way to fix that in software that I know of. Check your Tjmax value against the documented value for that CPU:
[2.4.0-BETA][admin@xtm5.stevew.lan]/root: sysctl dev.cpu.0.coretemp dev.cpu.0.coretemp.throttle_log: 0 dev.cpu.0.coretemp.tjmax: 85.0C dev.cpu.0.coretemp.resolution: 1 53
On YouTube there is a vid about LGA775 to LGA771 mod ,
and this vid explains the use of a tool for modifying / adding cpu instructionsets to the BIOS rom file,
can this be usefull for a XTM5 or not ?This is the link of the vid :
DeLorean -
Mmm, that would probably work. Not sure I have the tools I used anymore. Definitely don't have the WinXP system I did all that on. ;)
Be ready to recover from bricking though if you try it!
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