Filter traffic from IP
Hi, got a LAN with a bridge (one local and one remote one location to another, and we share the same LAN.
I need to block the traffic that came across the bridge, but need to be able to connect from local to the other side of the bridge.
I cannot separate the LAN, it is possible to make a rule to filter the traffic incoming from the and
Any advice is really appreciated, please link me a guide or article. -
You can block only if the traffic is destined for the other side of the firewall. In your case, I think you need to specify source IP and destination IP so you don't end up blocking everything.
For your bridge, did you disable filtering (the firewall) in the advanced properties? -
Hi sorry for the delayed reply, it means that adding a NIC and connecting the local access point of the bridge to the NIC, I can filter the traffic that came in the LAN passing by the
so I can make a firewall rule that says block interface OPT source destination all - that block all traffic caming from the ap.
and other rules that make the traffic pass for certain Ip.
is this correct?about the bridge I haven't disabled the filtering.