After adding second wan, pfsense hangs
Hello, after adding the second wan, the firewall hangs and cant navigate to pfsense webgui or to the internet, it keep hanging and returning
what can it be??
thanks -
I receive the following error
503 - Service Not Available
And after setting the new wan(opt1), I started receiving the following errors on my openvpn and lan
I deleted the wan(opt1) but the error persistsedit
Not sure if this helps but these are my NICs
bce0 - OPT1 - Offboard - Broadcom BCM5709 PCI-Express Dual Port Gigabit
bce1 - Never used - Offboard - Broadcom BCM5709 PCI-Express Dual Port Gigabit
bce2 - Never used - Offboard - Broadcom BCM5709 PCI-Express Dual Port Gigabit
bce3 - Never used - Offboard - Broadcom BCM5709 PCI-Express Dual Port Gigabit
bce4 - LAN - Onboard - Broadcom BCM5716 Dual Port Gigabit
bce5 - WAN - Onboard - Broadcom BCM5716 Dual Port Gigabit
In your firewall rules can you make sure that your openvpn has an allow all rule, also what rule do you have on your LAN for outbound traffic some screen shots would be nice
Both have rules "Allow All-to-All"
The problem is with the fragmented packets, that pfsense blocks by default (which is the correct thing to do)