Can't set monitoring address due to bug
When i removed, saved, then tried to put in a simple ip address i got this error message on the System: Gateways: Edit gateway page
The following input errors were detected:
The IPv6 monitor address '' can not be used with a IPv4 gateway'.
2.1-BETA0 (amd64)
built on Sat Jun 9 09:38:55 EDT 2012
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p2I scanned this forum briefly to find some similar comment but for now i hope this is helpful and doesn't get me flamed by some admin. I used this product for an eternity now.
Is there a space involved?
i have not seen that message in a few weeks. Maybe a variable wrong in the code. Not sure.
Just to be sure. If you have any gateways defined you need to edit and save those and see if it voes away.
There is no space involved just x.x.x.x, i am very aware to check for excess chars in input feilds having experienced it before.
Bug still there, basically i have no way to change any settings or edit the gateway unless i remove the monitor ip now because it ALWAYs says there is an ipv6 address there and creates an error if i open the gateway editing section.
Thanks for your reply.Regards
Sangye -
Will need to investigate.
seems to happen only with static gateways. -
Just checked in another attempt, because we now know the address family (because we have a drop down) that makes this a lot easier to get right.