SquidGuard Test Package
If you need more help - i have ICQ (looking my profile)
anyone know when this will be added to the list would like to use this at my work/school
anyone know when this will be added to the list would like to use this at my work/school
Had to the problem of squidGuard not to restart, desistalei and I installed. to put this being occurred the following error in the installation and being aborted
cat pkg_mgr_squidGuard.log
Beginning package installation.
Downloading package configuration file…
squidGuard-1.2.0_1 Array
[0] => Requested space: 6299508 bytes, free space: 5140844544 bytes in /var/tmp/instmp.sGsSv2
[1] => pkg_add: unable to open table of contents file '+CONTENTS' - not a package?
[2] => pkg_add: 1 package addition(s) failed
)Package WAS NOT installed properly.
Had to the problem of squidGuard not to restart, desistalei and I installed. to put this being occurred the following error in the installation and being aborted
Probably You have got at renovation data
Try pls nowps check with pkg_info port db3-3.3.11_3,1 before installation SG
if need - install pls him as 'pkg_add -r http://ftp.lv.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/packages/All/db3-3.3.11_3,1.tbz'now i search for good hosting for sources >:(
I obtained to install apos re-instalacao of db3-3.3.11_3,1, to put exactly thus squidGuard nao I restart, when I only added manually in squid.conf the rules in squid.conf the same functioned.
No redirector configured
redirect_program /usr/local/bin/squidGuard -c /usr/local/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf
redirect_children 8
redirector_bypass onTo put when restarting the pfsense the same is lost, the fact that has that to be enclosed in squid.inc, but I believe that must be made in the installation of the package squidGuard. it will be that it is an error?
squid.conf must updated avtomaticly after installation squidGuard and after pressing Apply button on SG gui.
If squid config changed (from squid gui) need press Apply button on SG gui for new update squid.conf with SG strings.squid.conf should not change when the rebooting pfSense, but i want check this situation once more with clean system pfSense
Thanks for you help/be testing/
Friends, when I qualify the transparent option of proxy, squidguard generates this error when some blockade of pagina or words exists. To put to not using transparent option of proxy functions legal, alguem knows to explain.
The requested URL could not be retrievedWhile trying to retrieve the URL:
The following error was encountered:
* Access Denied.
Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.
Your cache administrator is admin@localhost.
- - base error url
I need explore this BUG -
I found what problem. Fix will be on monday.
Please anibody test this too.