Intel DN2800mt x64 2.0.3-2.1 bandwidth
You should be able to pull more bandwidth. Strange.
I agree. link isn't saturated, and cpu isn't pegged. the switch in place is a enterasys b3g124-48 fully capable of fully saturating a link. kinda starting to piss me off a bit. not heat related, cpu is at 20.0C card is cold to the touch. onboard and dual intel pro/1000 pt see about the same speed being a tad slower. both links on just the add-on nic are 40Mb faster. in the back of my head something tells me tunables in pfsesne. im not sitting in front of it at the moment, getting my thoughts together on what to try. you think possibly the offload settings?
I use dual port intel pro/1000s in my x16 slots… They move quick. I don't know. I've never had one max out without either high cpu load, a bad cable, having a 10/100 NIC in the mix, or something like that.
I just had an epiphany, perhaps my card in one pc "killer Nic 2100" software is implementing the "QOS" style limiter. I will try again when i get home with the onboard nic. both are known to chat at the 900+ mark. Hopefully that is the culprit, otherwise i just may have to get out the 50 gallon drum and some concrete mix. Seems pretty warm today.
I've seen +900Mbps through my DN2800MT as well.
Seems surprisingly high for an Atom board. You do anything special? It that actually through?
I think he is saying the NIC is capable… Well - Shall see.
Nope, still pretty slow although it did pick up a little more speed. 328Mbps TCP and 503Mbps UDP
I'm looking at the system activity and what I thought was 87% cpu utilization is actually 87% cpu0 (Idle) WTF!!! so its utilizing 13%
Kernal em1 que and kernel em2 que shows 5.8%
I'm thinking firewall will only utilize one core (or thread) fully.
So, can you turn off hyper-threading in bios (if its present) and try again… This time looking at per-core utilization.
Its just a theory.
I did that from the get go.. standard practice minimizing latency. Hyperthreading is off.. right now as we speak I have both tcp offload engine off, "tried with it on as well"
last pid: 39883; load averages: 0.21, 0.41, 0.24 up 0+00:05:08 23:24:26
113 processes: 3 running, 93 sleeping, 17 waitingMem: 57M Active, 19M Inact, 67M Wired, 284K Cache, 18M Buf, 1806M Free
11 root 171 ki31 0K 32K CPU0 0 4:12 88.28% [idle{idle: cpu0}]
11 root 171 ki31 0K 32K RUN 1 3:45 83.98% [idle{idle: cpu1}]
0 root -68 0 0K 240K - 0 0:23 9.28% [kernel{em1 que}]
0 root -68 0 0K 240K - 1 0:22 8.40% [kernel{em2 que}]
69333 root 47 0 6956K 1592K select 1 0:09 3.27% /usr/sbin/syslogd -s -c -c -l /var/dhcpd/va
31969 root 76 0 142M 41148K piperd 1 0:07 2.69% /usr/local/bin/php{php}
18343 root 44 0 5780K 1072K piperd 0 0:04 0.49% logger -t pf -p
0 root -16 0 0K 240K sched 1 0:44 0.00% [kernel{swapper}]
257 root 76 20 6908K 1360K kqread 1 0:18 0.00% /usr/local/sbin/check_reload_status
18245 root 44 0 11748K 2712K bpf 0 0:02 0.00% /usr/sbin/tcpdump -s 256 -v -S -l -n -e -tt
12 root -32 - 0K 272K WAIT 0 0:00 0.00% [intr{swi4: clock}]
14 root -16 - 0K 16K - 0 0:00 0.00% [yarrow]
28465 root 76 0 136M 21540K wait 1 0:00 0.00% /usr/local/bin/php
27988 root 76 0 136M 21540K wait 0 0:00 0.00% /usr/local/bin/php
27735 root 44 0 24220K 3936K kqread 0 0:00 0.00% /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /var/etc/lighty
3 root -8 - 0K 16K - 0 0:00 0.00% [g_up]
59199 root 76 20 8296K 1776K wait 1 0:00 0.00% /bin/sh /var/db/rrd/
22760 root 44 0 5780K 1460K select 1 0:00 0.00% /usr/local/sbin/apinger -c /var/etc/apinger -
Really? Hmmmm…
Its good to know all my theories are not off the wall then.Question - How long is this test you run?
Is it long enough to see if HDD is involved in the process?(CPU is largely idle. Its got me looking elsewhere. PCIe is plenty fast)
it runs indefinitely until I disconnect.. I'll have my SSD tomorrow, im not sure thought that its touching anything on the HD
I'm not sure that it is. Also not sure it isn't. Firewall gets logged. States get logged. There is squid… I'm just interested to see what it would do with SSD. Speaking of SSD, what kind?
lemme run downstairs and try swapping cables..
cable change did nothing. its a 32Gig Samsung Full height mSata.. rated 520MB/s, I think the 32 gig is a 4channel though so it will probably be around 320MB/s.. I put it on a compeletly separate gig switch too…. I'm gonna put both these computers on the same switch and see if I get the bandwidth i'm looking for.
Yep - Being on same physical switch might speed things along. Its a good switch?
yep Enterasys b3g124-48.. and yes maxed out the lan link. this is frustrating
That is really too nice a rig for a home play toy…
I just picked up a HP V1910-24G 24 port for $30 and I was jumping with joy...
I'm easily happy...
My next question might be stupid, so feel free to call me an idiot for asking…
You have no slow painful packages like snort running? No traffic shapers running anywhere?
(asking dumb questions is part of my brainstorming process)
That is really too nice a rig for a home play toy…
I just picked up a HP V1910-24G 24 port for $30 and I was jumping with joy...
I'm easily happy...
I found mine on a ebay ad from someone "junking a old business" HAHHAAHAH.. 100 bux shipped. I snatched with the quickness. Of course overkill is always nice.
nope, fresh installation no packages
im gonna try reinstalling, not that it would make a difference, perhaps something got screwed up. be back in a few.