Black screen putty
I get a black screen with putty when trying to serial in I have the DB9 cable but I see nothing
Incorrect baud rate? Wrong type of cable? No console running on serial? Could be number of things, more information please.
Incorrect baud rate? Wrong type of cable? No console running on serial? Could be number of things, more information please.
I have the APU 4GB
in a different thread I think its because I have a usb db9 serial with a straight gender changetried to use the reset button at the front but will not work
Whats this about?;topicseen
I'd be amazed if you could just press a button and set it to factory image…
The Alix and APU, if they came from netgate or the pfSense store, have custom images that include code to read the reset button. You can indeed 'factory' reset it using just the button. I guess it has to be booting sufficiently far to load the reset button driver though.
Yes you need a USB to serial adapter and a null modem, either a cable or an adapter style. It must be wired as a null modem though a straight gender changer won't work.
So I have a USB to serial with a null cable. I get the cryptic code when I use 9600 but after it beeps the screen is black
Thank you all I am back up and running
What did you do to fix it?