Squid/squidguard on an APU1d4 with 16gb msata
i am trying to install squid/squidguard on an APU1d4 with 16gb msata
=ive use the APUTinyCore in installing the amd64 nano and was successfull
=fdisk shows 4 partitions (1.8gb for pfsense and the other 3 are unused)question
=how will i do the installation such that it will still use the 1.8gb for pfsense and i will use the rest (14GB) for my squid/squidguard
=and how should i allocate that on the squid configuration
=if it is difficult to do this, will full install be of help in this case? but am just worried about wear/tear of the msatathanks for any help
Just a OT question:
Which cable do you use to connect the apu1d4 with the msata?
no cables…its a miniPCIe slot
bump. Do you want to use squid cache on a separate disk (msata) ? If so im also looking for the answer.
im running the enbedded version on a SD card but would like to use my msata disk for cache. Does anyone know how to achieve this?