On which VLANs does that happen?
i don't know, that a maybe can get discovered with wireshark.
butt i can't have any vlan switching apart from one switch. or i gonna need to buy a few new switches.
Just bridge the lan with the wan port
not an option
i need the router (dhcp/NAT) function from the pfsense, i have a separate dns server running.
i used to have a linksys router (cisco time) and then i had 1 lan port in bridge to the wan, butt that's not possible anymore.
i got a tip for using a static dhcp for that mac address, and then a custom firewall rule, maybe is that an option.
my network setup
modem only -> pfSense -> unmanaged switch (8 ports) -> 3 pc's, 1 printer, 2 digicorders
|-> lite managed switch (24 ports) -> servers
|-> unmanaged switch (16 ports)-> 2 pc's, printer, digicorder, ps3