@adamk11 How many and what type of NICs are you using? Are we to assume that pfsense LAN, and all VLAN's share the same physical port or do you have them separated?
If they are using the same physical port, I'm thinking traffic will go.
From VM1 to switch, back into pfsense VLAN1, out again to the switch on VLAN2, and then return back on the same interface to VM2. That would create a tromboning effect that may limit your throughput, likely to something less than 5, or?
Generally speaking though, my experience from Proxmox using X520 NICs and VirtIO, I don't see any limitations in that regard. Running iperf between two FW's (over WAN interfaces) I get 8+ Gbps. I do have NIC's passed thru (IOMMU) to firewalls, but not to VM's.
Just now tested between two VM's in different VLAN's reaching 9.33GBit/s without any problems whatsoever, both VirtIO.