Hyper-V - PFSense Multiple NAT on Same Port Not Working Properly
I have a Hyper-V server with 8 physical Ethernet ports that I have passed through to a VM running pfSense 2.7.2 in order to replace my physical router with a virtual one. Everything is working (I have 200 VPNs...), except for one issue:
I have a /26 public IP block, and I created a 1:1 NAT to forward these addresses to another router (Fortinet) (I have checked the firewall rule, IP Alias...).
The problem is that the Fortinet router only receives one of the NAT addresses instead of both. I can swap them, and it works, but at no point does it manage to receive both NAT1 and NAT2 simultaneously.
On my non-virtualized pfSense (with the same configuration, exported and modified only for interface names), everything works perfectly.
For your information, the two 1:1 NATs (one NAT per IP) are configured on the same interface.