I am implementing it right now and also had this question.
Just made it work though. Here is my example with Windows Server 2022 Standard:
Open Network Policy Server.
Create new network policy in NPS. Give it a name for example hagrid-static-ip.
Add a condition. I did not find a possibility to add a specific user, only a group. So, added a group with one user Hagrid just for a test.
At Settings tab go to RADIUS Attributes => Standard. Add an attribute "Framed-IP-Netmask". My OpenVPN network is, so i put there mask.
At the same Settings table to to IP Settings. Choose "Assign a static IPv4 address" there. Put an address, for example
Save the policy and connect to OpenVPN Server on pfsense with Hagrid user. IP must be assigned.
I do not claim that it is a valid and good to follow solution. Just sharing my ongoing experience.
My end goal is assigning pools to different groups of users and then manage access for them in pfsense firewall. For example group admins - pool This pool is added to alias in pfsense firewall and rules afterwards for this alias.
This is quite typical task, I think. So, maybe there are another posts with much better explanations.
I also used this article https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/vpn/openvpn/client-parameters-radius.html, which gave me an idea to add mask as an additional attribute and made it work eventually.