@incith said in PfSense - Cannot connect to Netflix and Hulu on Andriod devices / Smart TVs:
I disabled pfblocker and suricata.
Did you read my post, where did I say it was pfblocker or suricata?? I just stated if was pfblocker it wouldn't work be it you forward in unbound or resolve - so clearly its not that, etc.
You can not troubleshoot the problem if you do not know what is failing - period.
So did you even look at the status of the resolver, do you see any high RTT or RTO domains? Timeouts?
sniff your clients IP when you try and go to netflix or hulu to login - what is failing in the dns queries it sends out? You will see the queries, and pretty easy to tell in the sniff what did and didn't get an answer.. Once you see something that doesn't get an answer, you can look to why your not getting an answer... But until you know that, you can not figure out what the problem is.. If your not going to do that, then you might as well just have unbound forward vs resolve..
My example above was showing how I determined what the problem was, there was as specific fqdn I couldn't resolve - so via a +trace with dig I could tell where it was failing in the resolve process, it wasn't a "unbound" issue.. It was a problem outside of my control in the resolve process.
First step is to know what exactly is failing.. Which you do not - you just know netflix isn't logging in..