@Gertjan @stephenw10
Yes, to both of you guys. I was tired and just trying to get things done. I made a backup in the UI and it was larger than I had thought it would be.
Wanted to thank all of you for your help, and let you know I was/am not meaning to be rude. I wasn't able to get on yesterday, as my central air went out and as I don't have just over $12k to replace it, I had to do what I could to get it running again. Took about 7 straight hours.
As for my firewall, I have not messed with it anymore, as I just haven't had the time. I cannot reproduce the issue, so I cannot submit it as a bug report. I am sure it is something stupid I did, while up all night after playing COD or something like that. When I first got my box, I had only the basic understanding of python, very basic, and had forgotten most of php, and the networking I did was 20 plus years ago. So it's been a bit of a challenge for me. You all have been VERY helpful, and again, thank you!