I've been occasionally hit by WAN link problems as you mentioned, so I've been searching all over for the best place to discuss and try to help resolve them.
I see you have recently posted to http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,57258.0.html (DHCP on WAN suddenly started failing) and http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,63599.0.html (WAN link goes down every 12 hours (DHCP related?)) I suggest you continue the discussion in the more appropriate of those two topics.
The one thing that is baffling to me is that I did not have any problems on 1.2.x or earlier 2.0 builds, I only started to see issues on 2.0.2 or 2.0.3, which makes me wonder if "stuff was changed."
Change in version number almost always means stuff was changed. There is a link on the pfSense doc pages (http://doc.pfsense.org) to "release notes" summarizing changes in recent releases.