SquidGuard Filter Whitelist: Domains work, URLs and RegExp Don't
I've successfully learned and configured pfSense/Squid/Squid Guard enough to get whitelisting to work from the Target Categories>Domain List. But I'm not understanding why the URL list or the Regular Expression list aren't working in the same way. As an easy example, I've entered this url into the URL List: docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/packages/cache-proxy/squidguard.html and it gets blocked. When I enter docs.netgate.com into the Domain List, this and all other pages come through.
Here is my config:
# ============================================================ # SquidGuard configuration file # This file generated automaticly with SquidGuard configurator # (C)2006 Serg Dvoriancev # email: dv_serg@mail.ru # ============================================================ logdir /var/squidGuard/log dbhome /var/db/squidGuard # dest Whitelist { domainlist Whitelist/domains urllist Whitelist/urls log block.log } # rew safesearch { s@(google..*/search?.*q=.*)@&safe=active@i s@(google..*/images.*q=.*)@&safe=active@i s@(google..*/groups.*q=.*)@&safe=active@i s@(google..*/news.*q=.*)@&safe=active@i s@(yandex..*/yandsearch?.*text=.*)@&fyandex=1@i s@(search.yahoo..*/search.*p=.*)@&vm=r&v=1@i s@(search.live..*/.*q=.*)@&adlt=strict@i s@(search.msn..*/.*q=.*)@&adlt=strict@i s@(.bing..*/.*q=.*)@&adlt=strict@i s@(duckduckgo..*/?.*q=.*)@&kp=1@i s@(rambler..*/?.*query=.*)@&adult=family@i s@(qwant..*/?.*q=.*)@&s=2@i s@(ecosia..*/search.*q=.*)@&safesearch=2@i s@(onesearch..*/yhs/search.*)@&vm=r@i log block.log } # acl { # default { pass Whitelist none redirect log block.log } }
And here is part of the block log after attempting to load this page:
Thanks in advance.
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