Can't Access Webgui while hooked up to internet
I still can't figure out what the issue is here.
@mercurynormanbates Whatever you're doing, it's not right. What 'bridge' are you creating and why? You don't normally need a bridge for a VPN connection. You said your WAN can't get an address. Did you manage to resolve this? The Proton VPN directions loo pretty standard.
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@kom At what point is this a hardware issue? I factory reset again and didn't do anything else. Can connect to the webgui but cannot get internet access. Usually different variations of restarting the modem/router can get some kind of connection, but I can't get one this morning.
@KOM was asking for the bridge, you've added. So please respond to get a step further.If you bridge the LAN to something else your computer my get an IP from another DHCP which is outside of pfSense LAN network.
So what do you bridge here and why?
@mercurynormanbates You didn't answer any of my questions. It's hard to debug without information. Define 'can't get access'... do you mean you can't ping, for example? Can you resolve anything? Does your WAN get an IP address from your provider?
@kom I apologize. Regarding the bridge, I was using another privay-oriented guide that instructed to create a bridge. These are the instructions:
"If you purchased a 4-port or 6-port option, you can activate these ports at this time by
configuring the following changes. If you purchased the 2-port FW2B, skip this page.
• Navigate to "Interfaces" then "Assignments".
• Click the "Add" option next to each empty port, which will add one port at a time.
• Repeat until all ports have been added and "Add" is no longer available.
• Save your changes.
• Click through each new option (likely Optl, Opt2, etc.).
• Enable each port by checking the first box, and saving your changes each time.
• When finished with all of them, apply the changes in the upper right.
• Navigate to "Interfaces", "Assignments", then select "Bridges" in the upper menu.
• Click "Add" to create a new bridge.
• Select the LAN option as well as each port that was added with ctrl-click or cmd-click.
• Provide a description as "bridge" and click "Save".
• Navigate to "Firewall" then "Rules".
• Click each port and click the "Add" button (up arrow) for each.
• Change the "Protocol" to "Any".
• Click "Save" after each port is modified.
• Apply changes in upper-right after all ports have been added.
• Navigate to "Interfaces" then "Assignments".
• Click "Add" next to "BRJDGEO" and click "Save".
• Click on the bridge, which may be labeled as "Opt(#)".
• Enable the .interface and change the description to "bridge".
• Click "Save" and then "Apply Changes".
• Navigate to "Firewall" then "Rules".
• Click on "Bridge" then click the "Add" button (up arrow).
• Change the "Protocol" to "Any" and click "Save".
• Apply changes in upper-right."This is why I created the bridge.
In terms of WAN, my WAN has an address from my ISP. In PfSense, the WAN interface settings are set to default. I first noticed that there was an issue when the automatic outbound NAT rules would not generate any automatic rules, then I saw this thread: so I thought the issue might be related to my WAN not having a gateway address in Pfsense, causing the rules to not generate. I don't know whether the automatic rules problem is somehow related to my internet/webgui problem.
As for "get access," I mean that I cannot get the webgui to load under any circumstances if the internet is also active at the same time. As in, if the router is getting internet which leads to my computer connected via the LAN port getting internet, then I cannot load the webgui at all.
It also meant that during previous attempts to get the ProtonVPN going (before I factory reset several times), it was not connecting to the VPN server at all.
This all makes me think that there is some kind of issue with the internet being connected to the router cutting of access to the webgui and vice versa. The two things (internet and webgui) cannot be active at the same time, and I just can't figure out why that is.
I would be happy to do any additional tests or provide more information.
If I have webgui up successfully and the modem is connected to the router, then I am unable to ping with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable.
Reply from Destination host unreachable. -
@mercurynormanbates So LAN is, correct? What network is your WAN on? I'm wondering if your modem is not set to bridge mode and is giving your WAN a NATed address in the same subnet as your LAN.
Can you ping if you do it via pfSense Diagnostics - Ping and pick WAN for source address?
@mercurynormanbates said in Can't Access Webgui while hooked up to internet:
Turn off VPN
Can now access the webgui but now I lose internetThat seems like a clue. You are disabling a local VPN client on the LAN side host?
What is If that the local host IP then it has no default route after disabling the VPN client.
I'm not exactly clear if he redid the VPN config after resetting everything or not. I'm probably misunderstanding but I thought he was having basic connectivity issues aside from the VPN.
I loaded the pfsense webgui with my computer connected via LAN. Once in, I connected the modem to the WAN port.
When I did the ping from diagnostics with WAN as the source, I get:
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss -
@mercurynormanbates Do you have any VPN config stuff still loaded? Did you change any rules or outbound NAT settings? If you look at Status - Interfaces, does your WAN have an address, and if it does is it in the same subnet as your LAN? Do you see a default gateway under System - Routing - Gateways?
@kom I did not reconfigure the VPN on the pfsense after resetting. I did have a VPN running on my computer, but it was disconnected (then I uninstalled it to be safe).
@mercurynormanbates OK, and the answers to my other questions would be....
@kom Sorry, I saw the other comment about the VPN before I saw your latest one.
It does not list an address for WAN. It's "down"
WAN Interface (wan, igb0)
no carrier
MAC Address
In/out packets
0/2 (0 B/112 B)
In/out packets (pass)
0/2 (0 B/112 B)
In/out packets (block)
0/0 (0 B/0 B)
In/out errors
0Gateway set to “automatic”
For Default gateway IPv4, there is no other option besides "automatic"
For IPv6, it has WAN_DHCP6 as an option in the dropdown -
@mercurynormanbates Well, you will have to resolve that to get anywhere further. Try unplugging your cable modem, wait 10 seconds and then boot it back up with pfSense still running. Check again to see if it got an address. Is there anything funny about your ISP for example are they delivering Internet to you on a VLAN? You can also try doing a packet capture on WAN to see if it's getting any reply traffic from your DHCP requests.
@mercurynormanbates said in Can't Access Webgui while hooked up to internet:
no carrierhow would that even work - from that its not plugged in even..
This post is deleted! -
@mercurynormanbates said in Can't Access Webgui while hooked up to internet:
no carrierNever ever ever going to work with no carrier - its not connected.. How could it work.. Either cable bad, port bad, device its connected to is OFF..
@mercurynormanbates Check that your modem is plugged in and powered up, check your network cable between pfSense WAN and your modem. Check your modem's connection to coax.