RRD graph - 100% packet loss
In all my locations the RRD wan quality meter is not broken. So I am really failing to see why its not working now.
I just updated my second pfsense machine from snapshot 1-22-2007 to 1-31-2007 and the RRD wan quality graph is also at 100% now.
I confirm the same problem… in my firewall.. revert back to snaphot 1-24-2007 everything is ok...
A new snapshot is building. Please test it about an hour from this post.
Still the same issue with snapshot 2-2-2007
You didn't wait for an hour, it's still building ;)
Ok fine, one hour has elapsed :P
I redownloaded it and reinstalled it. The issue persists.
If you continue to have problems, ping the gateway from the console and show the results.
Also look in firewall logs for blocked packets.
Ok, I pinged the gateway from the console. From the WAN interface all three pings fails, from the LAN and WIFI interface they are successful. There are no blocked packets in the firewall logs.
Yes, but is the RRD quality graph still broken?
It's still broken by the looks of it.
Those line breaks are reboots.
I just commited a few fixes. Wait an hour and test again.
I updated the machine with the newest snapshot.
It's fixed. I can now ping the gateway from WAN interface on the console. The RRD quality graph is now displaying normal results. Thanks again for the great work!