$100 bounty for pfsense with LCD support for Mini-box M300 LCD embedded system
We deploy these Mini-box systems for client firewalls. We have been using the non-LCD versions, but would like to start using the LCD versions…a little eye candy never hurt sales ;)
$100 bounty for working embedded pfSense distribution with support for the picoLCD display.
We deploy these Mini-box systems for client firewalls. We have been using the non-LCD versions, but would like to start using the LCD versions…a little eye candy never hurt sales ;)
$100 bounty for working embedded pfSense distribution with support for the picoLCD display.
I am also looking a the Mini-Box-M300-LCD case and should have one arrive the next couple of days. What board are you using in the mini-box case as I am looking at the ALIX1C board for this application.
What functions are you looking to display on the LCD?
Look at this thread: http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,4065.0.html
Same hardware, same demand.AFAIK LCDproc is in the making and available as package already but not yet (fully?) functional.
I am looking for very generic display output…whatever is easiest. Memory usage, CPU usage, software version, etc. Traffic stats and interface IP addresses would be nice, but not required.
Jahonix: I was unsuccessful compiling LCDproc for this hardware, so I'm taking the easy way out and posting the bounty for someone with a little more skills.
We've spent ages so far trying to get LCDProg working with PicoLCD (on M200/300) without any luck - However, we're getting really close.Here's a few things that MIGHT help you crack the code! (we're not BSD gurus)
Patch Libusb:
Patch the driver: http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-embedded/2007-November/000240.html
There's an issue with the way the driver is detected - It shows as a UHID driver (meaning that the native lcdproc driver can't see it)
See here: http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=26068+0+archive/2007/freebsd-embedded/20071209.freebsd-embeddedAny luck / ideas etc - We'd be very appreciative.