How to: Get CPU temp
OK, as attached shows dashboard now shows my CPU temp. ;D ;)
Thanks to everyone here!
Greatly sorry, changed to zip, now is OK ( )
You have:–> inside amdtemp.ko & coretemp.ko ( FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-i386 )> inside amdtemp.ko & coretemp.ko ( FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-amd64 )
Thank you for hosting them :)
Hi Guys,
I'm still trying to make the coretemp module working but it seems I'm doing something wrong because it still doesn't work :'(.
I extracted the coretemp.ko from the FreeBSD 8.1 distribution iso and put it to /boot/kernel through a SCP connection authenticated as root.
run the kldload command and tried the command sysctl -a | grep temperature but it returns nothing.I had no error when typing "kldload coretemp" so it should works !!!
My pfsense box is a Watchguard Firebox X700 hardware which runs on Intel Celeron 1200MHz.
This CPU should be supported by coretemp no ?Please Help me.
Thanks in advance for your support.
Hi Guys,
I'm still trying to make the coretemp module working but it seems I'm doing something wrong because it still doesn't work :'(.
I extracted the coretemp.ko from the FreeBSD 8.1 distribution iso and put it to /boot/kernel through a SCP connection authenticated as root.
run the kldload command and tried the command sysctl -a | grep temperature but it returns nothing.I had no error when typing "kldload coretemp" so it should works !!!
My pfsense box is a Watchguard Firebox X700 hardware which runs on Intel Celeron 1200MHz.
This CPU should be supported by coretemp no ?Please Help me.
Thanks in advance for your support.
Try with the core temp file Steve posted here - I used that one and it worked.
Steen -
If you are using SCP to transfer the file.. ensure that you transfer the file in binary format. I had similar issue with WinSCP.
My pfsense box is a Watchguard Firebox X700 hardware which runs on Intel Celeron 1200MHz.
This CPU should be supported by coretemp no ?The coretemp driver only supports Intel Core cpus and newer. ;)
You have to use mbmon for older hardware such as the X700, which is Pentium 3 age.
Awesome …
I have to try this on my own box
If you are using SCP to transfer the file.. ensure that you transfer the file in binary format. I had similar issue with WinSCP.
With the file from Steve I had no issue even when using WinSCP…
Steen -
Anyone had success to get all 4 temperatures to be shown in the dashboard?
That would really be neat.
Also, will an snapshot update break everything?Steen
A snapshot would require you to re-edit the function file, other than that it will be fine.
Displaying multiple cores will take a little work. I've only programmed in Java before and I haven't really had time to sit down and take a look as far as exactly what needs to be added functionality wise. Right now, the function file returns true/false as far as if you can get temp and the cpu temp itself. It would need to return the number of cores and the temperatures of each core.
A snapshot would require you to re-edit the function file, other than that it will be fine.
Displaying multiple cores will take a little work. I've only programmed in Java before and I haven't really had time to sit down and take a look as far as exactly what needs to be added functionality wise. Right now, the function file returns true/false as far as if you can get temp and the cpu temp itself. It would need to return the number of cores and the temperatures of each core.
Yep, just did the latest snapshot update, so back to the editing board :)
Cheers Steen
After the snapshot update I had to recopy the coretemp.ko file to /boot/kernel/, then edit the system_information_widget.php file and edit the file then I was back to "normal".Cheers Steen
My pfsense box is a Watchguard Firebox X700 hardware which runs on Intel Celeron 1200MHz.
This CPU should be supported by coretemp no ?The coretemp driver only supports Intel Core cpus and newer. ;)
You have to use mbmon for only hardware such as the X700, which is Pentium 3 age.
Thanks for the info Steve !!!
Now I have installed the mbmon package and I'm able to get system informations like FAN RPM, CPU and chipset temp from shell.
I've modified the Get_Temp function code in the system_information.widget.php as follow :function get_temp() { $temp_out = ""; exec("mbmon -c1 | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' | /usr/bin/cut -d ',' -f 1", $dfout); $temp_out = trim($dfout[0]); return $temp_out; ```} This works fine in the shell. I created the file /boot/loader.conf.local with "coretemp_load="yes"" inside (even if I'm not really sure that in my case it will be useful). At this time, the "system information" widget in the dashboard of pfsense doesn't show the cpu temp. Is there anything else to do when using mbmon instead of coretemp to make temperature info working ? Thanks for your support. Micro.
I phrased that badly.
I've only ever used mbmon from the command line.
It would be nice to have it work with the GUI though.Steve
I mean I modified the code in the file, not in system_information.widget.phpMicro.
I'm not a programmer but a couple of months ago we had a topic about about supermicro boards with ipmi builts..,34056.30.html Anyways, I copied the diag_system_activity.php page and change some of the code to display ipmi-sensors. I just did the same with coretemp. Its not on the dashboard but you can access it via the web interface.
Remove the .txt and upload it to /usr/local/www and you can access it via http://pfsense/diag_coretemp.php
To add it to the Diagnostics tab, add this to your config.xml:
<installedpackages>[...] <menu> <name>Core Temps</name> <tooltiptext>Core Temperatures</tooltiptext> Diagnostics <url>/diag_coretemp.php</url> </menu> [...]</installedpackages>
function get_temp() { $temp_out = ""; exec("mbmon -c1 | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' | /usr/bin/cut -d ',' -f 1", $dfout); $temp_out = trim($dfout[0]); return $temp_out; ```} This works fine in the shell.
This doesn't work for me. You can get mbmon to output the data directly like so:
[2.0-RC3][]/root(26): mbmon -I -c1 -T 1 35.0
Edit: Yep this is working well for me. Here are the vchanges I've made to /use/local/www/includes/
function has_temp() {
/* no known temp monitors available at present */
/* should only reach here if there is no hardware monitor */
return true;
}function get_hwtype() {
}function get_temp() {
$temp_out = "";
exec("/usr/local/bin/mbmon -I -c1 -T3", $dfout);
$temp_out = trim($dfout[0]);return $temp_out;
}Highlighted red parts are changed. Don't forget to change false to true! ;)
Ihaaaa !!!!!
You're a god steve !!!
Now it works with mbmon.
Indeed, with the command I built, the result wasn't exactly the same in the shell than with yours.
I thought it was OK but in fact it wasn't and now, with your help, it works fine.Just a little correction, In your last post edit, you indicate this command line :
exec("/usr/local/bin/mbmon -I -c1 -T3", $dfout);
I don't know if the sensors are HW dependent but on my firebox X700, it seems that this command return the temperature of the chipset (77°C) and not the CPU one (40°C).For the CPU, use :
exec("/usr/local/bin/mbmon -I -c1 -T1", $dfout);I tested this by running the mbmon in loop while I unplugged the CPU FAN and the temperature of the first sensor has growed up while the third one staid unchanged.
So in order to sum up for the Firebox X700 users, if you want to have system temperature in your dashboard, follow these steps :
1- first of all, install the mbmon module on your systemOpen SSH connection using putty, type 8 to go to the shell and type the following commands :
pkg_add -r mbmon
rehashNow if you type
mbmon -c1
You should have something like :
Temp.= 38.0, 127.0, 77.0; Rot.= 0, 5000, 0
Vcore = 1.49, 3.38; Volt. = 3.31, 4.95, 11.61, -3.12, -6.12This means CPU temp is 38°C, second sensors seems to not be connected, and chipset temp is 77°C.
The CPU FAN speed is 5000 rpm.2- Change the php files content :
change the has_temp and get_temp functions code
function has_temp() {
/* no known temp monitors available at present */
/* should only reach here if there is no hardware monitor */
return true;
}function get_temp() {
$temp_out = "";
exec("/usr/local/bin/mbmon -I -c1 -T1", $dfout);
$temp_out = trim($dfout[[/color]0]);return $temp_out;
}The code for these functions is located in the /usr/local/www/includes/
You can also change the line 240 of the /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/system_information.widget.php file from
"border: 0px solid white;" size="30" name="tempmeter" id="tempmeter" value="****" />
"border: 0px solid white;" size="30" name="tempmeter" id="tempmeter" value="****" />
And that's it, you should now have the CPU temperature displayed in your dashboard of pfsense.
Note: as I'm not very friendly with linux tools like vi, I'm using WinSCP to get files from the pfsense box to my windows PC, change them with windows tools and put them back using WinSCP.
As told asterix, be careful to be in binary mode when transferring files with WinSCP.Many thanks for steve and all the guys on this forum for their help.
I too have two sensors that can be seen by mbmon in the X6000. I'm not sure which sensor is the CPU but sensor 3 is the highest so that's what I want to know about.
[2.0-RC3][]/root(1): mbmon -I Temp.= 36.0, 13.0, 40.5; Rot.= 5769, 5357, 5818 Vcore = 1.15, 2.26; Volt. = 3.38, 5.05, 12.10, -11.87, -0.62
I have to use the -I operator otherwise I get an error message about smb sensors.
If you don't like vi (like me! ;)) then you can use the ee editor instead which is included in pfSense.
I can use 'coretemp' and 'mbmon' from the CLI. Both give a temperature response. They are both different, but at least there's a number. I have changed the appropriate widgets php file, but I'm not getting any temperature read out. I know the changes I made are working, because I can now see the degrees C sign, but no temperature. This makes me think there's something in the php code for the widget that's incorrect. Has anyone else seen this?
Now just turn this all into a handy package we can put in the repo :-)
Really just need the amdtemp and coretemp modules for i386 and amd64 and some code to copy them in place. (We can put those on, they don't go into the packages repo.) The widget could be a separate file instead of part of the core system info, would coexist better that way.
You also do not need wget, use fetch, it's built in.