PFsense CE 2.5.1 NAT broken on interface != default WAN
i have the same problem.
i am on multi WAN and all port forwards stop can i downgrade to 2.5.0?
@imanrnm unfortunately, there is no easy way. You have to download the older version and install it. You should also have a backup of your configuration to restore from.
I can see another post on your profile saying you've upgraded to 2.6.0, which is still in development and not recommended for production use. -
@0x00fe-0 Thank you for reply.
yeah i updated to 2.6.0 and the problem is gone but there is other problems!
for example my speed limiters aren't working now!i have a veeam backup from 3 days ago before update to 2.5.1, i will try to restore that and see what happens.
all i know is that there is a real mess right now in my network because of a simple pfsense update and i will never again update my firewall right after they release it and will wait at least some days...
we downgrade to 2.5.0, not perfect because of the openssl vulnerability. no note in the known issues: -
Thanks God I found this post . I was going crazy .
NAT is not broken but suddenly stop working in 2.5.1 .I must apologize to my certbot server since I'm requesting SSL like there is not tomorrow , and of course, my reverse proxy isn't happy !!!
Any workaround ? not feeling to downgrade or go BETA
cheers ,
unfortunately there is no information about a 2.5.x / -px release.
First time in over 10 years pfSense we can't upgrade the system. -
@imanrnm Since CE and Plus + =(
@slu regretfully
No workaround or quick fix. See latest reply from Jim Pingle here: issue 11805
The issue seems to be "in kernel" so bummer, we need to wait it out. -
@bennyc said in PFsense CE 2.5.1 NAT broken on interface != default WAN:
No workaround or quick fix. See latest reply from Jim Pingle here: issue 11805
The issue seems to be "in kernel" so bummer, we need to wait it out.UPDATE for: Jim Pingle
2.6.0 snapshots are currently working correctly, and the fix was checked into RELENG_2_5_0. Whatever release happens next will behave correctly either way (e.g. a 2.6.0 release or a 2.5.x point or patch release).
I have the same issue. We have nat rules on a multiwan configuration. Upgrading from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 nat rules on wan1 works but those on wan2 are not working.
we had to restore from backup. :(
+1 here I have the same issue with multi-WAN ..
I was going nuts why my vpn wasnt working anymore... out of options I googled if it was a issue with 2.5.1..
well at least I can stop blaming myself :P
Think this was the fix.
@vajonam can you explain how to solve the issue?
since the kernel must be rebuild, no chance to fix this with the patch package.
We also wait for a new pfSense release since we have issues with this bug. -
@infosamu-it since netgate hasn't released the build tools, not much we can do but wait for the next release AFAIK. 2.6.0 is an option but there are a few issues with that I know of
kernel panics #11839
counters 0/0 #11775
Also rate limiting seems broken as per another user. maybe related to #11775.pfsense fun!
Any timeframe we can expect a fix to be released?
Neither downgrade nor development version seems a great choice. -
I am also just a user who shares your pain, stuck on 2.5.1, any guesses will just be speculation at at this time.
tambem tive esse problema, resolvi assim
desabilito - starto o serviço depois desmarco e funcionou.
João Oliveira
@joao-maria Hmm.. not sure I wan to disable firewall :-)