2.3.2 - Monitoring: Error: [object XMLHttpRequest]
I have a freshly installed 2.3.2 running on SG2440. Dual WAN setup, with a Gateway Group for load balancing. Today I was experiencing some browser timeouts on external websites so I decided to check my monitoring page for packet loss. I pulled up the Monitoring page and updated the graph. I left the page open and after about 1 minute, an "Error: [object XMLHttpRequest]" message was displayed in red (see attached screenshot)
I did not click on anything or touch the page, it must have just auto-refreshed and shown the error. Any idea on this? In general I believe this might be tied to the GUI becoming completely unresponsive when certain php scripts timeout or when gateways are failing over. I am not sure where to even start debugging this.
I think I may have figured this out - I have a VPN gateway that was having some packet loss. I had the "Flush all states when a gateway goes down" option set (generally I do want this). I think that the flapping was causing all states (even LAN->localhost) to be killed and caused the AJAX to timeout. Does that sound right?