How to create an OPENVPN client to TigerVPN
I set up my PFSENSE OPENVPN client to connect to TigerVPN. Here is the working XML that you can import and modify.
A few things you will need to do, and when I have a moment will detail and post.
- Create your interface
- Create text /conf/tigervpn.auth that contains your tiger name on first line and password on second.
- create a New certificate and paste the info from the "cert" tigervpn provides.
- set up rules to pass and route.
Here is my PFSENSE XML that can be imported.
<custom_options>fast-io;tun-mtu 1500;persist-key;persist-tun;persist-remote-ip;auth-user-pass /conf/tigervpn.auth;</custom_options>